religious order Organization in Teo-Mnach | World Anvil

religious order


During the war, there were many innocent people caught up in the fighting. Often times these people were displaced from their homes or sometimes even forced to flee from their planets. These refugee ships were often in even more danger from travelling through space, getting caught up in space battles or attacked by pirates or the "enemy". A group of Space LARPers decided that they could perhaps do something to help these refugees, by escorting them through dangerous space and even offering safe harbour for those who had no where to go. It started as a bit of an accident, but after an offer from a generous benefactor and a good dose of moral introspection, they have grown into a bit of a galactic phenomenom.  

Accidental Beginnings

It all began from an unexpected encounter and an impulsive, if not possibly stupid, decision. The Order started out as a group of space battle re-enactors, and LARPers, that got caught up in real world events while out on manoeuvres. They had been re-enacting a battle from one of their favourite web serials, in what they thought was a quiet area of space. Mid-battle a damaged transport ship came into view and immediately hailed them. They were refugees from one of the planets involved in the escalating war, and were being chased by Pirates. They begged the group for help, thinking they were actually fully armed warships.   When the pursuers came into view, they realised that there were only two ships, granted two fully armed ships, but still. The group had had their best turn out all season for this event, and had managed to field nine ships for this re-enactment. The "Captains" had their ships form up into a battle formation, hoping that just the difference in numbers would deter the dangerous pursuers. The tactic actually worked, the pirates had been hoping for an easy target and weren't willing to take on, what looked an entire battalion of armed vessels, and turned tail as soon as they saw the opposing force.
The fact that one scan would have given away the whole ruse was not lost on the Captains, but they realised that they were the only ones who could do anything about it. Most of the players of the crew, thought that it was just another scenario put on by the Captains, and were actually unaware that they had been in actual danger.

Cover image: by Gerd Altmann


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Aug 5, 2021 16:44 by Amélie I. S. Debruyne

This is a really fun story XD