Duirgu (duɪɹgu)

Natively known as: duirgu /duɪɹgu/

...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
may hi hi gefai ga gùdingo may hi vu nùt uin ui dai
Pronunciation: /meɪ̯ hɪ hɪ ˈgefai̯ gæ gyˈdɪŋo meɪ̯ hɪ vu nyt uɪ̯n uɪ̯ dai̯/
Duirgu word order: and he hat his holding stood and his face wet the wind to turned

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: d f g h j k l m n s t v ð ŋ ɹ ʀ θ  
Stopt dk g
Fricativef vθ ðsh
Lateral approximantl
  Vowel inventory: ai̯ e eɪ̯ o oʊ̯ u uɪ̯ y æ ɔɪ̯ ɪ   Diphthongs: ai̯ eɪ̯ oʊ̯ uɪ̯ ɔɪ̯ ?  
  Syllable structure: Custom defined ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?   Spelling rules:  


  Main word order: Subject Object (Prepositional phrase) Verb. “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary the door with a key opened.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned after the noun.
Adposition: postpositions ?  


  Nouns have two cases:
  • Nominative is the doer of a verb: dog bites man.
  • Accusative is the done-to of a verb: man bites dog.
NominativeNo affix
ùne /ˈyne/ dog (doing the verb)
AccusativePrefix te-
teùne /teˈyne/ (verb done to) dog
SingularNo affix
ùne /ˈyne/ dog
PluralIf starts with vowel: Prefix tɹ-
Else: Prefix tɹy-
trùne /ˈtɹyne/ dogs


Singulargirg /gɪɹg/ the sad /sæd/ a
Pluralthoʊ /θoʊ̯/ the goi /gɔɪ̯/ some
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Not used for mass (uncountable) nouns: ‘Walking in the mud’ would always translate to ‘Walking in mud’.
  Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:
  • Not used for non-specific countable nouns: non-specific means ‘I am looking for a (any) girl in a red dress’, whereas specific means ‘I am looking for a (particular) girl in a red dress’
  • Not used for non-specific mass (uncountable) nouns: non-specific means ‘Would you like some (any) tea?’ whereas specific means ‘Some tea (a specific amount) fell off the truck’


1st singularrui /ɹuɪ̯/ I vùrg /vyɹg/ me
2nd singulartray /tɹeɪ̯/ you he /he/ you
3rd singular maschi /hɪ/ he, it (masc) me /me/ his, it (masc)
3rd singular femtrul /tɹul/ she, it (fem) gaz /gæð/ her, it (fem)
1st pluralkoʊ /koʊ̯/ we ge /ge/ us
2nd pluralnek /nek/ you all doi /dɔɪ̯/ you all
3rd pluralkayv /keɪ̯v/ they /oʊ̯/ them

Possessive determiners

1st singularrui /ɹuɪ̯/ my
2nd singulartray /tɹeɪ̯/ your
3rd singular maschi /hɪ/ his
3rd singular femtrul /tɹul/ her
1st pluralkoʊ /koʊ̯/ our
2nd pluralnek /nek/ your (pl)
3rd pluralkayv /keɪ̯v/ their


FutureIf starts with vowel: Prefix t-
Else: Prefix tɪ-
tivoʊlay /tɪˈvoʊ̯leɪ̯/ will learn
  Duirgu uses a standalone particle word for past tense:
PastParticle before the verb: æ -
a voʊlay /æ ˈvoʊ̯leɪ̯/ learned

Perfect aspect

  The perfect aspect in English is exemplified in ‘I have read this book’, which expresses an event that took place before the time spoken but which has an effect on or is in some way still relevant to the present.
Duirgu uses the word for ‘already’ ler for the perfect aspect.  


  Duirgu has a base-10 number system:   1 - hù
2 - gair
3 - ti
4 - i
5 - ey
6 - voi
7 - ul
8 - strais
9 - yi
10 - el
100 - yok
1000 - trùk

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɹ
Else: Suffix -eɹ
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɹst
Else: Suffix -eɹst
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Suffix -ai̯g
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Suffix -æ
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = If starts with vowel: Prefix t-
Else: Prefix tai̯-
Noun to verb = Prefix oʊ̯-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Suffix -æg
Tending to = Suffix -ɔɪ̯g
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -fe
Else: Suffix -ɪfe
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -ɹst
Else: Suffix -ɔɪ̯ɹst
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = If ends with vowel: Suffix -hy
Else: Suffix -yhy
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Suffix -ai̯d
Diminutive = If ends with vowel: Suffix -j
Else: Suffix -ai̯j
Augmentative = Suffix -oʊ̯st


Duirgu Pronunciation Part of Speech Common
a /æ/ adv. still
agui /ˈæguɪ̯/ n. trap, bait
airg /ai̯ɹg/ n. trunk (of tree)
akùfid /æˈkyfɪd/ v. limp
arud /ˈæɹud/ v. could
az /æð/ v. damage, impair
daim /dai̯m/ n. siege
dard /dæɹd/ det. much
de /de/ det. that
day /deɪ̯/ n. room (of house)
del /del/ n. page
derst /deɹst/ v. like, admire
di /dɪ/ v. give, deliver, contribute, supply
dilok /ˈdɪlok/ n. castle, palace
dirster /ˈdɪɹsteɹ/ adv. certainly
dokù /ˈdoky/ v. roll, revolve, rotate
dorg /doɹg/ v. exercise, practice
doʊrst /doʊ̯ɹst/ v. drift, sail, cruise, navigate
doiy /dɔɪ̯j/ v. save (put aside)
dragon /dragon/ n. dragon
dùdùk /ˈdydyk/ n. cat
dug /dug/ n. officer
duiviray /duɪ̯ˈvɪɹeɪ̯/ n. whore
dun /dun/ adj. tall
dùrst /dyɹst/ v. cook (heat food), cook (prepare food)
dùv /dyv/ v. help, assist, cater
efe /ˈefe/ n. trauma
ays /eɪ̯s/ conj. although, though
en /en/ n. bread
er̀ayverst /eˈʀeɪ̯veɹst/ n. width
evi /ˈevɪ/ n. bow (weapon)
gader /ˈgædeɹ/ adv. previously
gais /gai̯s/ v. solve, figure out
gaz /gæð/ pron. her, it (fem)
gei /geɪ̯/ prep. of
gekayr /ˈgekeɪ̯ɹ/ n. theater, stage, arena
gesarst /ˈgesæɹst/ n. perfection
gife thùrst /ˈgɪfe θyɹst/ n. felony
gingui /ˈgɪŋuɪ̯/ n. expression (facial)
giy /gɪj/ n. credit (of money)
gokenùhù /ˌgokeˈnyhy/ n. lawyer
goʊ ta /goʊ̯ tæ/ n. skull
goil /gɔɪ̯l/ pron. anything
gug /gug/ n. benefit, profit
gui /guɪ̯/ adj. big, great (very large), popular
gùni /ˈgynɪ/ n. worm
gùveyerst /gyˈvejeɹst/ n. subtlety
hai /hai̯/ n. point
hamuihù /hæˈmuɪ̯hy/ n. ruler
hav /hæv/ n. news
hay /heɪ̯/ v. tell, proclaim, mention, instruct
het /het/ num. biltron
hig /hɪg/ adv. always, all the time, forever
ho /ho/ v. break, interrupt
hoing /hɔɪ̯ŋ/ n. roof
hudùhù /huˈdyhy/ n. trader
hum /hum/ n. morning, dawn
hùrd /hyɹd/ n. answer
hùst /hyst/ n. article (text)
id /ɪd/ n. boyfriend
ila /ˈɪlæ/ v. crush, grind, squash, smash
ir /ɪɹ/ n. ant
ist /ɪst/ adj. gray
ka /kæ/ adv. now
kak /kæk/ n. tomb
ke huis /ke huɪ̯s/ n. tear
kem /kem/ v. defecate
keted /ˈketed/ n. unit
kidude /kɪˈdude/ n. ancestor
kir /kɪɹ/ n. detail
kod /kod/ v. leave (depart), depart
koy /koj/ v. remove, take out, deprive, take away, erase
kù /ky/ n. task
kuila /ˈkuɪ̯læ/ v. regret, lament
kùn /kyn/ adj. pink
kùs /kys/ adj. late
kuzùhù /kuˈðyhy/ n. manager
lanu /ˈlænu/ n. clay
layl /leɪ̯l/ n. copper, bronze
lengug /ˈleŋug/ v. experience
leter /ˈleteɹ/ adv. probably
lil /lɪl/ v. report, notify, inform
literùhù /ˌlɪteˈɹyhy/ n. liar
lose /ˈlose/ v. organize, set up
loihai /ˈlɔɪ̯hai̯/ n. box, crate
lui /luɪ̯/ n. half
lùmerst /ˈlymeɹst/ n. danger
lus /lus/ n. politics
mai /mai̯/ v. buy, purchase
mam /mæm/ n. bow (decorative material)
me /me/ pron. his, it (masc)
mayg /meɪ̯g/ v. drive, chase, ride
mev /mev/ v. execute
min /mɪn/ adj. next
moko /ˈmoko/ n. prostitute
mord /moɹd/ v. arrive
moy /moj/ n. south
mufe /ˈmufe/ n. suggestion
muki /ˈmukɪ/ n. guest
mur /muɹ/ n. top (clothing)
nai /nai̯/ n. floor, bottom (lowest part)
nanai /ˈnænai̯/ v. exist
nay /neɪ̯/ v. keep (save, retain), save
nel /nel/ v. please, satisfy
nihust /ˈnɪhust/ n. alphabet
niv /nɪv/ adv. yesterday
non /non/ n. kettle
noil /nɔɪ̯l/ n. arm, wing, hand, wrist
nùg /nyg/ v. record, register
nuit /nuɪ̯t/ n. trousers, pants
nuvife /nuˈvɪfe/ n. flight
ord /oɹd/ prep. near
oʊker̀oʊ /oʊ̯ˈkeʀoʊ̯/ v. assassinate
oʊng /oʊ̯ŋ/ n. fire
oʊstam /ˈoʊ̯stæm/ v. produce
ov /ov/ n. kind, type
oingerg /ˈɔɪ̯ŋeɹg/ n. rain
rang /ɹæŋ/ n. flour
regù /ˈɹegy/ n. thing, stuff, property, matter (substance, material), item
rerst /ɹeɹst/ v. cost
rid /ɹɪd/ n. grandmother
rod /ɹod/ adv. that
roi /ɹɔɪ̯/ n. couple, pair
rui /ɹuɪ̯/ det. my
ruv /ɹuv/ n. athlete
sai /sai̯/ v. change, vary
sainùhù /sai̯ˈnyhy/ n. scientist
sar /sæɹ/ n. rail
sefest /ˈsefest/ n. family (children and parents)
sayl /seɪ̯l/ n. equipment, apparatus
sele /ˈsele/ v. travel
sergi /ˈseɹgɪ/ adj. poor, weak, sick, fragile
sifeyay /sɪˈfejeɪ̯/ v. grip
siv /sɪv/ n. sword, blade
sos say /sos seɪ̯/ n. dictionary
stafoʊt /ˈstæfoʊ̯t/ n. memory
staki /ˈstækɪ/ adj. heavy, serious, obese
stayr /steɪ̯ɹ/ adv. suddenly
stevoig /ˈstevɔɪ̯g/ adj. shiny
stinust /ˈstɪnust/ v. drop, collapse
stofe /ˈstofe/ n. loss
stos /stos/ n. hotel
straird /stɹai̯ɹd/ n. series
streda /ˈstɹedæ/ adj. central
stri dik /stɹɪ dɪk/ n. lower class
stroʊ /stɹoʊ̯/ n. holiday, vacation
stroiy /stɹɔɪ̯j/ v. add
strùl /stɹyl/ n. liver
stùd /styd/ n. wife
stung /stuŋ/ v. focus
stungayl /ˈstuŋeɪ̯l/ v. catch, capture, seize
stutis /ˈstutɪs/ n. energy (strength, stamina)
suduy /ˈsuduj/ n. file, record (written account), data
sum /sum/ n. son
sur̀im /ˈsuʀɪm/ n. blood
tada /ˈtædæ/ adj. religious
taisirg /ˈtai̯sɪɹg/ adj. medical
tar /tæɹ/ v. rest, nap
tayz /teɪ̯ð/ n. girlfriend
thafek /ˈθæfek/ n. mother
thas /θæs/ n. violence
thayn /θeɪ̯n/ v. chase
thayngerst /ˈθeɪ̯ŋeɹst/ n. difference
therst /θeɹst/ n. shore
thil /θɪl/ n. girl
tholerst /ˈθoleɹst/ n. strength
thug /θug/ n. spring (season)
thuis /θuɪ̯s/ v. stamp
thùrst /θyɹst/ n. crime
tidaroyùhù /tɪˌdæɹoˈjyhy/ n. dancer
togehui /toˈgehuɪ̯/ v. smell (sense with nose)
toi /tɔɪ̯/ n. story, fable, prose
trai /tɹai̯/ conj. whether
trefig /ˈtɹefɪg/ n. vision
tren /tɹen/ v. improve
trihùn /ˈtɹɪhyn/ n. valley, canyon
tron /tɹon/ v. provide, treat
troimo /ˈtɹɔɪ̯mo/ prep. like
tru /tɹu/ n. top, mountain, cliff, peak
truk /tɹuk/ adj. special, unique
trùnera /tɹyˈneɹæ/ v. murder
trùy /tɹyj/ n. apple
tùkife /tyˈkɪfe/ n. exam
tus /tus/ adj. round
tùya /ˈtyjæ/ adj. skilled
ùfi /ˈyfɪ/ n. judge
uid /uɪ̯d/ n. sign, signal, symptom
ul /ul/ num. seven
ùne /ˈyne/ n. dog
ung /uŋ/ prep. at
ùs /ys/ n. tax
uvoʊ /ˈuvoʊ̯/ n. situation (circumstances, context)
vag /væg/ adv. ago
var /væɹ/ n. size, amount, quantity, capacity
ve /ve/ n. city
vedeva /veˈdevæ/ adj. messy
ves /ves/ v. hurt, injure
vim /vɪm/ prep. during
viyoʊ /ˈvɪjoʊ̯/ n. oven
voʊ /voʊ̯/ v. run
voy /voj/ v. get, obtain, take, receive, capture, catch, book, inhale, earn, gain, acquire, grab
vùfai /ˈvyfai̯/ n. vehicle
vungiv /ˈvuŋɪv/ n. iron
vùy /vyj/ v. waste
yaing /jai̯ŋ/ n. step (footstep)
yaturd /ˈjætuɹd/ n. flag, banner
yeng /jeŋ/ v. compare
yetoim /ˈjetɔɪ̯m/ adj. bad, evil
yig /jɪg/ v. state, declare, say
yirger /ˈjɪɹgeɹ/ adv. simply
yok /jok/ num. hundred
yost /jost/ n. sin
yoi /jɔɪ̯/ adj. common, frequent, generic
yuid /juɪ̯d/ n. knife
yùrd /jyɹd/ adj. stubborn
yuv /juv/ adj. nice


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