Elvish (ˈmoʊ̯pɪ)

Natively known as: moʊpï /ˈmoʊ̯pɪ/

...and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind...
lay hoʊ ïfa iwou hoʊ bayrai lay ïbou hoʊ noubi foufa sï hira
Pronunciation: /leɪ̯ hoʊ̯ ˈɪfa ˈiwaʊ̯ hoʊ̯ ˈbeɪ̯ɾai̯ leɪ̯ ˈɪbaʊ̯ hoʊ̯ ˈnaʊ̯bi ˈfaʊ̯fa sɪ ˈhiɾa/
Moʊpïian word order: and he stood holding his hat and turned his wet face to the wind

Spelling & Phonology

  Consonant inventory: b f h l m n p s w ɾ  
Stopp b
Lateral approximantl
  Co-articulated phonemes  
  Vowel inventory: a ai̯ aʊ̯ eɪ̯ i oʊ̯ ɔɪ̯ ɛ ɪ   Diphthongs: ai̯ aʊ̯ eɪ̯ oʊ̯ ɔɪ̯ ?  
  Syllable structure: (C)V ?
Stress pattern: Penultimate — stress is on the second last syllable ?   Spelling rules:  


  Main word order: Subject Verb Object (Prepositional phrase). “Mary opened the door with a key” turns into Mary opened the door with a key.
Adjective order: Adjectives are positioned before the noun.
Adposition: prepositions ?  


SingularNo affix
lara /ˈlaɾa/ dog
PluralPrefix beɪ̯-
baylara /beɪ̯ˈlaɾa/ dogs


Definitemi /mi/ the
Indefinitee /ɛ/ a, some
  Uses of definite article that differ from English:
  • Used to talk about countable nouns in general: English’s ‘I like cats’ would translate to ‘I like the cats’
  Uses of indefinite article that differ from English:
  • Not used for non-specific countable nouns: non-specific means ‘I am looking for a (any) girl in a red dress’, whereas specific means ‘I am looking for a (particular) girl in a red dress’


1st singularmoʊ /moʊ̯/ I, me, mine
2nd singularsi /si/ you, yours
3rd singularhoʊ /hoʊ̯/ he, him, his, she, her, hers, it, its
1st pluralfi /fi/ we, us, ours
2nd pluralse /sɛ/ you all, yours (pl)
3rd plurala /a/ they, them, theirs

Possessive determiners

1st singularmoʊ /moʊ̯/ my
2nd singularsi /si/ your
3rd singularhoʊ /hoʊ̯/ his, her, its
1st pluralfi /fi/ our
2nd pluralse /sɛ/ your (pl)
3rd plurala /a/ their


PresentPrefix hɪ-
hïlïrïri /ˌhɪlɪˈɾɪɾi/ (I/you/he/she/it) learn(s)
Prefix ma-
malïrïri /ˌmalɪˈɾɪɾi/ (we/you all/they) learn
PastPrefix sa-
salïrïri /ˌsalɪˈɾɪɾi/ (I/you/he/she/it) learned
No affix
lïrïri /lɪˈɾɪɾi/ (we/you all/they) learned
FuturePrefix mɪ-
mïlïrïri /ˌmɪlɪˈɾɪɾi/ (I/you/he/she/it) will learn
Prefix mɔɪ̯-
moilïrïri /ˌmɔɪ̯lɪˈɾɪɾi/ (we/you all/they) will learn

Progressive aspect

  The ‘progressive’ aspect refers to actions that are happening at the time of speaking, such as I am learning.
Moʊpïian uses an affix for progressive:  
ProgressivePrefix pɛ-
pelïrïri /ˌpɛlɪˈɾɪɾi/ is learning

Habitual aspect

  The ‘habitual’ aspect refers to actions that happen habitually, such as I learn (something new every day), as opposed to actions that happen once (I learned something).
Moʊpïian uses a standalone particle word for habitual:
HabitualParticle before the verb: mi -
mi lïrïri /mi lɪˈɾɪɾi/ learns


  Moʊpïian has a base-10 number system:   1 - sou
2 - se
3 - noʊ
4 - may
5 - he
6 - soʊ
7 - ay
8 - pousa
9 - lï
10 - sibï
100 - souray
1000 - mïsï

Derivational morphology

  Adjective → adverb = Prefix fai̯-
Adjective → noun (the quality of being [adj]) = Prefix noʊ̯-
Adjective → verb (to make something [adj]) = Prefix baʊ̯-
Noun → adjective (having the quality of [noun]) = Prefix nɪ-
Noun → adjective relating to noun (e.g. economy → economic) = Prefix li-
Noun to verb = Prefix maʊ̯-
Verb → adjective (result of doing [verb]) = Prefix hi-
Tending to = Prefix na-
Verb → noun (the act of [verb]) = Prefix poʊ̯-
Verb → noun that verb produces (e.g. know → knowledge) = Prefix mɛ-
One who [verb]s (e.g. paint → painter) = Prefix meɪ̯-
Place of (e.g. wine → winery) = Prefix hai̯-
Diminutive = Prefix maʊ̯-
Augmentative = Prefix meɪ̯-


Moupi Pronunciation Part of Speech Common
a /a/ adv. not
afoʊ /ˈafoʊ̯/ adv. quite, rather
ai /ˈai/ adv. either
aipa /ˈai̯pa/ v. remember
aloʊ /ˈaloʊ̯/ v. stab, pierce
apoʊ /ˈapoʊ̯/ n. wine
asa /ˈasa/ n. step (one level of stairs)
awai /ˈawai̯/ n. church, chapel
baay /ˈbaeɪ̯/ n. stand
bairou /ˈbai̯ɾaʊ̯/ n. community, colony
baloi /ˈbalɔɪ̯/ prep. under, below
bape /ˈbapɛ/ n. vocabulary
bawa /ˈbawa/ adv. else
bayma /ˈbeɪ̯ma/ n. cream, milk
beni /ˈbɛni/ adj. left
besi /ˈbɛsi/ adj. cool (fashionable), casual
bibay /ˈbibeɪ̯/ v. try (test out), test
bila /ˈbila/ interj. well
bimoi /ˈbimɔɪ̯/ v. realize
bipoi /ˈbipɔɪ̯/ n. trousers, pants
bïsi /ˈbɪsi/ n. girl
boumi /ˈbaʊ̯mi/ n. plane
bouwaha /baʊ̯ˈwaha/ n. excrement, shit
boʊna mïrï /ˈboʊ̯na ˈmɪɾɪ/ n. copyright
boihoʊ /ˈbɔɪ̯hoʊ̯/ v. jerk
e /ɛ/ art. a, some
ehï /ˈɛhɪ/ n. series
ayli /ˈeɪ̯li/ n. candle
ayri /ˈeɪ̯ɾi/ n. beer
eli /ˈɛli/ n. god
ena /ˈɛna/ n. arrow (sign)
erï /ˈɛɾɪ/ adj. fragile
faboʊ /ˈfaboʊ̯/ adj. wide, broad
faiboi /ˈfai̯bɔɪ̯/ n. steam
failasehi /ˌfai̯laˈsɛhi/ adv. quickly
faipouroʊ /fai̯ˈpaʊ̯ɾoʊ̯/ adv. exactly
fana /ˈfana/ n. thunder
fasa /ˈfasa/ v. respond, answer, reply
fayfai /ˈfeɪ̯fai̯/ n. spirit
faysoi /ˈfeɪ̯sɔɪ̯/ n. station (railroad, bus)
fi /fi/ v. know (be acquainted with)
fïbay /ˈfɪbeɪ̯/ v. destroy
fïle /ˈfɪlɛ/ n. message, note
fimou /ˈfimaʊ̯/ n. elbow
fira /ˈfiɾa/ n. city, metropolis
fïwa /ˈfɪwa/ n. horizon, panorama
foulelï /faʊ̯ˈlɛlɪ/ n. belly
foʊbe /ˈfoʊ̯bɛ/ v. fix, mend, repair
foi /fɔɪ̯/ prep. in, within
hafi /ˈhafi/ n. detail
haiila /hai̯ˈila/ n. grocer
haisemi /hai̯ˈsɛmi/ n. drugstore
hapi /ˈhapi/ n. flesh
hawou /ˈhawaʊ̯/ v. freeze
haybi safi /ˈheɪ̯bi ˈsafi/ n. rainbow
heri /ˈhɛɾi/ n. economy
hiai /ˈhiai̯/ n. file, folder
hifoi /ˈhifɔɪ̯/ n. corner
hilï /ˈhilɪ/ n. equipment, fixture
hinï /ˈhinɪ/ adv. again
hipou /ˈhipaʊ̯/ n. rank (military), rank (position)
hïwï /ˈhɪwɪ/ adj. exotic
hoʊbï /ˈhoʊ̯bɪ/ n. soil, clay
hoʊnï /ˈhoʊ̯nɪ/ v. behave
iba /ˈiba/ v. miss (long for)
ïbi /ˈɪbi/ v. like, love, admire, enjoy
ïfa /ˈɪfa/ v. stand, situate
ïhairoʊ /ɪˈhai̯ɾoʊ̯/ adv. ever
iï /ˈiɪ/ n. shape, pattern
ïma /ˈɪma/ n. resident
ïne mini /ˈɪnɛ ˈmini/ n. lipstick
ïpay /ˈɪpeɪ̯/ n. area
ïray /ˈɪɾeɪ̯/ adj. ready
ïsi /ˈɪsi/ v. cry, moan, sob
ïwoʊ /ˈɪwoʊ̯/ adj. ancient, antique
lafa /ˈlafa/ n. rod, shaft, bar, axle
laifay /ˈlai̯feɪ̯/ v. hide
laiwi /ˈlai̯wi/ n. collar
lapi /ˈlapi/ n. hallway, corridor, lobby
lara /ˈlaɾa/ n. dog
lasehi /laˈsɛhi/ adj. quick, swift
leba /ˈlɛba/ v. suggest, hint, imply
layfay /ˈleɪ̯feɪ̯/ n. cloth, fabric, textile, napkin
lena /ˈlɛna/ n. information
lera /ˈlɛɾa/ v. experience
lï /lɪ/ num. nine
lïfou /ˈlɪfaʊ̯/ v. starve
lila /ˈlila/ n. feather
lïna /ˈlɪna/ v. flow, leak
liouhi /liˈaʊ̯hi/ adj. technological
lipiri /liˈpiɾi/ adj. cultural
lïsa /ˈlɪsa/ v. want, need (lack), desire, prefer, choose
liwoi /ˈliwɔɪ̯/ adj. similar
louna /ˈlaʊ̯na/ n. shade, hue, umbrella
loʊha /ˈloʊ̯ha/ n. carcass
loʊra /ˈloʊ̯ɾa/ n. prostitute
loipou /ˈlɔɪ̯paʊ̯/ n. tear
ma lourayre /ma laʊ̯ˈɾeɪ̯ɾɛ/ adv. tonight
mafï /ˈmafɪ/ n. mouse
maimay /ˈmai̯meɪ̯/ n. prison, jail
mama /ˈmama/ det. both
marï /ˈmaɾɪ/ n. nature, environment (natural world), essence
me /mɛ/ prep. for (the purpose of)
meha /ˈmɛha/ v. would
maybaypoi /meɪ̯ˈbeɪ̯pɔɪ̯/ n. painter
mayhaire /meɪ̯ˈhai̯ɾɛ/ n. trunk (large box)
maylisou /meɪ̯ˈlisaʊ̯/ n. vendor
maymoi /ˈmeɪ̯mɔɪ̯/ v. chase
maymoibï /meɪ̯ˈmɔɪ̯bɪ/ n. warrior
mayoʊpe /meɪ̯ˈoʊ̯pɛ/ n. runner
maypoulai /meɪ̯ˈpaʊ̯lai̯/ v. feel (examine by touch)
maysaipou /meɪ̯ˈsai̯paʊ̯/ n. ruler
mela /ˈmɛla/ n. distance
meli /ˈmɛli/ n. city
mepa /ˈmɛpa/ v. hiss
mesi /ˈmɛsi/ adv. yet
mïa /ˈmɪa/ adj. dry
mifari /miˈfaɾi/ n. bird
mïhïre /mɪˈhɪɾɛ/ n. career
milayre /miˈleɪ̯ɾɛ/ n. leader
mini /ˈmini/ n. lip
mïra /ˈmɪɾa/ n. doctor
mïrï /ˈmɪɾɪ/ n. right, entitlement
misi sïwama /ˈmisi sɪˈwama/ n. glacier
moubasa /maʊ̯ˈbasa/ v. rate
moulara /maʊ̯ˈlaɾa/ n. puppy
mounaybi /maʊ̯ˈneɪ̯bi/ v. drain
moure /ˈmaʊ̯ɾɛ/ n. ground
moʊ /moʊ̯/ prep. like
moʊ /moʊ̯/ det. my
moʊpe /ˈmoʊ̯pɛ/ adv. never
moila /ˈmɔɪ̯la/ v. clear
moiray /ˈmɔɪ̯ɾeɪ̯/ n. use
nabe /ˈnabɛ/ n. wound, scar
naiba /ˈnai̯ba/ n. hole
name /ˈnamɛ/ n. theater, arena
nara /ˈnaɾa/ n. fact
nase loʊ /ˈnasɛ loʊ̯/ n. future
nebibi /nɛˈbibi/ n. room (of house)
naylai /ˈneɪ̯lai̯/ v. listen, hear
nelï /ˈnɛlɪ/ n. question
nepousoʊ /nɛˈpaʊ̯soʊ̯/ adj. buxom
nïba /ˈnɪba/ adj. gentle
nïfalï /nɪˈfalɪ/ adj. sad
niha /ˈniha/ v. catch, capture, seize, grab
nila /ˈnila/ n. mouth
nïma /ˈnɪma/ adv. most
nïmoipi /nɪˈmɔɪ̯pi/ adj. bloody
nipe /ˈnipɛ/ v. deserve
nipï /ˈnipɪ/ n. cat
nïre /ˈnɪɾɛ/ n. servant
nïse /ˈnɪsɛ/ n. life (living organism)
nïwï /ˈnɪwɪ/ n. skeleton, hull, fossil
noula /ˈnaʊ̯la/ adj. mean
noʊbarou /noʊ̯ˈbaɾaʊ̯/ n. truth
noʊlaila /noʊ̯ˈlai̯la/ n. health
noʊmïhay /noʊ̯ˈmɪheɪ̯/ n. subtlety
noʊsayhï /noʊ̯ˈseɪ̯hɪ/ n. fun
noilay /ˈnɔɪ̯leɪ̯/ n. restaurant, diner
ouli /ˈaʊ̯li/ det. enough
oura /ˈaʊ̯ɾa/ n. coffee
oʊbï /ˈoʊ̯bɪ/ prep. across
oʊnï /ˈoʊ̯nɪ/ n. service
oʊrï /ˈoʊ̯ɾɪ/ v. wave (salutation)
oʊwa /ˈoʊ̯wa/ v. rest, nap
oihi /ˈɔɪ̯hi/ v. train
oira /ˈɔɪ̯ɾa/ n. rule (law, regulation), law
paba /ˈpaba/ n. life (lifetime), life (soul)
pai /pai̯/ v. give, donate, present, provide, cater, contribute, supply
pala /ˈpala/ n. recipe
papa loʊnï /ˈpapa ˈloʊ̯nɪ/ n. geography
pawe /ˈpawɛ/ n. heart, soul
payhi /ˈpeɪ̯hi/ n. idiot
pepou /ˈpɛpaʊ̯/ n. storm, turmoil
pewou /ˈpɛwaʊ̯/ n. dish
pïfoi /ˈpɪfɔɪ̯/ n. leaf, sheet, petal, foliage
pilï /ˈpilɪ/ adj. smooth, sleek
pïmai /ˈpɪmai̯/ n. list, catalog
pini /ˈpini/ v. matter
pïsa /ˈpɪsa/ n. north
pisai /ˈpisai̯/ adj. big, great (very large), huge
pïwï /ˈpɪwɪ/ n. chance, odds, luck
pousoʊ /ˈpaʊ̯soʊ̯/ n. breast
poʊboʊ /ˈpoʊ̯boʊ̯/ n. tree, plant
poʊhaira /poʊ̯ˈhai̯ɾa/ n. analysis
poʊïoi /poʊ̯ˈɪɔɪ̯/ n. recognition
poʊlïnï /poʊ̯ˈlɪnɪ/ n. discovery
poʊne /ˈpoʊ̯nɛ/ n. action (movement)
poʊoila /poʊ̯ˈɔɪ̯la/ n. division
poʊse /ˈpoʊ̯sɛ/ n. place, point, venue
poiri /ˈpɔɪ̯ɾi/ n. instrument, appliance, device, gadget, fixture
safi /ˈsafi/ n. arch, arc
saii /ˈsai̯i/ v. bite, chew
salï /ˈsalɪ/ n. snow
saoʊ /ˈsaoʊ̯/ n. soap
sarïli /saˈɾɪli/ n. return
sasoi /ˈsasɔɪ̯/ n. target
sebïrï /sɛˈbɪɾɪ/ n. sock
sei /ˈsɛi/ v. drag, tow
saysoʊ /ˈseɪ̯soʊ̯/ adj. sharp, acute
sene /ˈsɛnɛ/ adj. warm
sesa /ˈsɛsa/ n. battle
si /si/ pron. you, yours
sïbi /ˈsɪbi/ n. country (nation), state (province, country)
sïhi /ˈsɪhi/ adj. late
silïri /siˈlɪɾi/ n. pool
simoʊ /ˈsimoʊ̯/ n. group, gang, bunch, flock, crowd, bundle
sipay /ˈsipeɪ̯/ n. canvas
siresa /siˈɾɛsa/ adj. cool (slightly cold)
sisai /ˈsisai̯/ v. review
sïwi /ˈsɪwi/ n. stream
soupou /ˈsaʊ̯paʊ̯/ prep. including
soʊsa /ˈsoʊ̯sa/ n. shit
soipi /ˈsɔɪ̯pi/ n. tomb


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