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Amira Fairweather

Amira Fairweather was the de facto leader of New Veluca. She did not wield absolute power, but operated as a sort of chairwoman for the town council. 

Amira was a northlander, descended from those who fought against the elves for generations. The Fairweathers acted as Councilors for generations, and she had long been groomed to help Veluca hold the line against the Chosen. Despite her prejudices, she demonstrated a dedication to unity, begrudgingly accepting people of any creed who she believed have the town's best interests at heart. When Veluca was destroyed during the @Meridian Plague, she led a group of refugees to the site that would become New Veluca.

Through her interactions with the Heroes of New Veluca, she became an even more effective leader. She even evolved to be a few shades more tolerant -- even towards elves.

Amira died peacefully in the city that she helped to establish. Her birthday is a local holiday in which bonfires are lit -- the larger the bonfire, the better a person's luck will be in the coming year. She is revered as a minor local saint of officials and public servants. The Fairweather lineage has diluted among the New Velucan people, and is now a common last name that holds no special prestige.
Current Location
Black, graying
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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