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Cone Anne

Cone Anne is a halfling barbarian and druid best known for being the living definition of benevolent chaos.

Cone Anne's history before becoming an adventurer are a complete and utter mystery to ally and foe alike, and he prefers it that way. 

Having almost no attachments to the world, Cone Anne travels wherever the wind takes him, making as many friends as possible along the way. Most recently, the carrying winds have been those of the cosmic gale surrounding the Knights of Rennfreid

Cone Anne follows a simple moral code of doing no harm. Upon first meeting someone, he knows very quickly whether he'll shake their hand and offer them some of his netherweed, or whether he'll launch himself from the nearest barstool and shatter their nose. Above all things, Cone Anne holds sacred the life and safety of animals. Only those who torment animals will know his true rage, and even then, not for very long.

Among his party, Cone Anne is the wildcard. His nebulous sense of morality and justice cause him to always do the right thing, but in an often unexpected way. At any given confrontation, Cone Anne is just as likely to leap into random, wanton acts of violence as he is to be found drinking with the enemy commander.

In combat, he often transforms into his animal self: a majestic and powerful eagle. In this form, he has a favored tactic of blinding enemies by pecking out their eyes.



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