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Inver is a human soldier and officer known for his ruthlessness and efficiency.

Born Envir Midelli of Hommlet, Inver is a direct reflection of the culture he was raised in. While not of exceptional note, the Midelli family held a position of nominal nobility, and Inver was raised to believe that he was born and bred to rule.

He made his name in the Aurelian Legions, serving under Baron Igor. Envir was an exceptional soldier - more than the usual pompous, spoon-fed son of nobility, Envir was a terror to behold when in pursuit of a goal. His most despised enemy, the Chosen, knew him only as the Butcher. His reputation for results and extreme enemy casualties led him to eventually be Knighted. The story gets hazy from this point on, however; while his military exploits were widely known, his activities as a Knight are almost entirely unknown. Rumors, of course, abound: some say that he stalks the woods searching for elves. Some say that he is long since dead. Some, who knew of his reputation for brutality, say that he has fallen from grace and was quietly relieved of duty.

Whatever the truth, a man fitting his description, though calling himself Inver, has been noticed in the company of the Knights of Rennfreid in recent months. If you believe the soldiery's prattle, they say that more than just his appearance, Inver carries the same chill that was always said to surround Envir.

Among the party, Inver is known for his quick and vicious method of cutting down his enemies. Through a form of dark Ferrosian magic, Inver paralyzes, stuns, or otherwise mesmerizes his foes before splitting in two and tearing into them from all sides. Even outside of combat, he uses his powerful mental magics to overpower those of lesser will into doing his bidding. He is also known by those who follow the Knights to be "very, very creepy."


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