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Rhograk is a dragonborn artificer best known for his insatiable curiosity, which at times borders on unhinged. 

Rhograk's past is shrouded in mystery. Dragonborn are few in number, and until very recently, rarely left Zera. Fewer still leave the teachings of Khotep. However it came to be, at some point, he learned the modern art and science of artificing. He is one of the only non-dwarven artificers in the world.

Rhograk is accompanied at all times by his numerous inventions. Some of these are kept within the enormous, flame-like burst of hair atop his head. More than a simple tinkerer, Rhograk is a genius polymath whose areas of expertise defy reasonable expectations. 

Among his more notable achievements are advances in the study of automatons and functional prosthetics. Given to moments of blinding inspiration, Rhograk once blasted off his own arm and replaced it with a fully integrated mechanical arm only a few days later. 

Among his allies, Rhograk serves as the primary source of information and intelligence. Whether something needs to be identified, studied, investigated, analyzed, repaired, or blown up, Rhograk is usually the best choice for the job.



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