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Vito the Vanished

Vito is a human archer and expert guerilla warrior who is renowned as one of the deadliest and most morally ambiguous highwaymen in the known world.

Vito spent much of his youth running with Aurelian organized crime circles and was known to be willing to take almost any job. Though publicly vague regarding his exact activities, he developed an obvious proclivity for smuggling and assassination.

This life of filth and depravity eventually lost its appeal for the young ne'er-do-well, and Vito gained his moniker after he cut ties with all associates and allies overnight. This abrupt move was very dangerous, given his line of work - secret socities tend to be a lifelong commitment. Taking only the bare essentials, he vanished into the forest in search of freedom and meaning.

There he dwelt for years, learning the ebb and flow of nature, letting his heat in the cities die down. The ordered chaos of the forest made sense to him, and he felt more at home than he ever had in the gutters of a metropolis. Over time, he came to view himself as a protector of the forests that had become his refuge, reveling in a soul connection to the root and bark.

Vito, however, is a man in motion, and knew that he could not linger alone forever. Emerging from his years of isolation, he found that his vanishing act had, more or less, done the trick; the world had moved on without him, and he was free to slip back in, unnoticed.

He was unable to keep a low profile for very long. As a founding member of the Heroes of New Veluca and the Champions of Blackfriar, Vito has seen many adventures in the months since returning to the world, some of them bringing him immense public exposure. As he struggles to keep his past just out of reach, he has reconciled his abilities as a killer and thief with his newfound and sacrosanct charge:

Vito will defend the good things of this world with all of his being, or die trying.

With the hateful curse of a dead god hung around his neck like a noose, and as allies and innocents fall like wheat before the scythe around him, the young villain-turned-hero will have many terrible and difficult decisions to make. It remains to be seen whether it shall be Vito or the world that will break first.
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