BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Xermnayhe, more commonly known as Xerm, is a half-elf paladin of Khotep and warlock who has dedicated their life to healing and bringing peace wherever they go, no matter the personal risk.

Xerm's activities and upbringing as a child are unknown. However it came to be, at a relatively young age, Xerm was initiated into the Order of Khotep. They are one of only a few dozen non-Dragonborn to have ever been granted the ability to do so.

Proving to be an exemplary student of Khotep's teachings, Xerm was thereafter recruited into an experimental adventuring party put together by the Order. Given the dedicated pacifism of Khotep's followers, this was a highly unusual development. The rest of the party consisted of two native dragonborn, Nula and Kavasar, as well as the dwarf Ogrim and eventually the minotaur Peshka. In an especially unprecedented move, the group was - at least whilst engaging in sanctioned adventures - absolved of their pacifistic oath. Any violation of this oath, for nearly any reason, led to immediate expulsion from the Order under normal circumstances. After achieving early success, the group was directed to undertake a more dangerous quest to the Underdark to retrieve an ancient sword for study.

Upon entering the chamber where the sword was kept, the party was ambushed and quickly overwhelmed. As their allies fell to the myriad creatures that lurk in the shadow, Xerm, wounded and desperate, heard a cold and hollow voice emanating from the blade itself. It told them that it could grant them the power to survive, but only if the paladin agreed to a hefty bargain. It told them that it required souls; regularly, and sometimes, specifically. Even knowing that they would thereafter be intractably tied to the sword, Xerm chose survival.

Ashamed of their failings, Xerm entered a self-exile, the same punishment that would be meted out for violating the Bloodless Oath. For years they wandered, taking small bodyguard jobs, and eventually found themselves in Aurelia. By chance, they were recruited into the Champions of Blackfriar. From there, they became a founding member of the Heroes of New Veluca.

During this time, Xerm struggled to reconcile the demands of the Sword with the demands of their conscience. They did good whenever possible and to whomever, indiscriminately, but still killed if the Sword demanded it. This reached a climax when the Sword demanded the souls of two dragonborn who Xerm had met in their travels. The dragonborn, Pandjed and Nala, had become friends of the party, assisting in their adventures by way of scholarly knowledge.

After admitting this scheme to the party, and subsequently the dragonborn, Xerm began in earnest to resist the will of the Sword. The Sword, usually quiet as the grave, began warning Xerm of foul consequences should they continue to resist. It even suggested that it had retained the souls of Xerm's old party, and would eradicate them if its demands were not met.

Xerm refused to give in. During negotiation with the aboleth Universe, as part of an agreement to free the aberration, it altered the Sword before it followed through on its threats. Universe did not describe in what way the Sword was altered, but the results in some ways spoke for themselves; it has ever since sat silent, making neither requests nor threats, though it still provides its immense well of magical power. However, Xerm noticed small, curious things in the aftermath as well, such as a sudden and out-of-place wrinkle on their hand.

Ever since, Xerm has redoubled their commitment to atonement and to healing the word of all sickness, whether from violence or disease.

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