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Elina Brightworth

Lady Elina Brightworth (a.k.a. Eli)

Lady Elina Brightworth of the ruling family of the Duchy of Caviri. Referred to generally by those who know her as simply Eli, she is a skilled fighter having trained in the martial fighting styles of a Paladin.   Determined, reliable, and protective of those she cares about, she remains a stalwart shield in the battle against the Redd Isles' darkest enemies. Her previous concerns of the increasing scale of the situation she finds herself in has faded away over time and now she is one in mind with herself- ready to fight and face the life she chose for herself as a young noble becoming a Paladin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Average height, Eli is clearly trained and fit without being overly bulky. Moving with the grace of someone born a noble she is a dancer with her weapons as much as she is unarmed.

Body Features

Formerly lacking the scars that usually came with one of her profession, Eli has developed a number of markings across her body from the constant fighting. She still covers herself almost completely- through her hakama, cloak, and armored areas.

Facial Features

Despite her age, Eli tends to have eye bags, stress lines along her forehead, and a nearly ever-present frown if not a neutral expression. Recently, through time with her companions she has internally decided to try and smile more.

Identifying Characteristics

Aside from the rather visible ram-like horns atop her head she has a small mole on the left side of her face, just under her lip. Her hands up to her forearms are visibly a distinct different shade, coal black in contrast to her usually gray skin. This is usually covered by armored gauntlets otherwise. She favors black lipstick. The skin around her eyes are notably darker in color, almost resembling a mask similar to that of a raccoon.

Physical quirks

Almost everything that she owns is almost needlessly cleaned and polished when able. She is sometimes noticeably 'twitchy', her level of discomfort matching the amount of moving around she does.

Apparel & Accessories

She generally wears a formal hakama, commissioned by her former friend Maru and approved by her father. Over this she overlays plates or pieces of armor for protection, as well as a short cloak.

Specialized Equipment

Having trained under a Paladin, Eli is specialized in the usage of most types of armor, martial, and simple weapons. On top of all this she was trained partially in a form of unarmed combat usually reserved for monks.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Coming from the house of Brightworth in Solveis, Eli was born Elina Brightworth, fourth in line to being head of the house of Brightworth beneath her siblings. Despite her blood connection by way of her father, her mother never married nor by other means took up the Brightworth name as her own, leaving shortly a few years after Eli's birth.   Due to this, she was often scrutinized by other nobles, spending the early parts of her life attempting to satisfy their constant suspicions by learning the ways of socializing and courting with other nobles. Despite her best attempts there was always a constant disconnection present with Eli and her family.
Eli began training as a Paladin following the appearance of a Dwarven master in her home town investigating a string of necromancy related murders- especially after suspicion was placed of the necromancer's involvement in her father's murder. From the age of 19 to 22 she was trained tirelessly to become a warrior.   She does not enjoy speaking about why she left her home.

Gender Identity

She identifies as female though not caring for gender norms, generally preferring to present as whatever is most comfortable.


Eli has no preference for any gender, not for lack of sexual or romantic feelings for anyone- she just feels that gender doesn't particularly matter. That, and any relationships she sees herself pursuing seem inconvenient seeing as she travels often, usually alone or only temporarily with others.
She has no problems with the thought of being in a poly relationship, her father having two wives plus having been in a healthy relationship with her mother (not that she can prove otherwise, her mother left rather early.) For the better part of her life she saw it as the default.


Eli gained a noble's education for the first half of her life, generally learning of etiquette and world politics as well as geography. It was through her travels with her father where she expanded her knowledge of some of the history of the world. While she generally forgoes this education in favor of her Paladin's training recent events have made it clear that her mind can be her sharpest weapon.


She has no permanent employment. Aside from being a mercenary Paladin, and the times she was taught the general jobs of those who worked for her father, Eli has no previous professional job experience.

Accomplishments & Achievements

She was able to become a fully sworn Paladin at the age of 22, earlier than some, having started her training at an age later than others. This was due to the advanced training her master put her under, compressing decades of training into a few short years. Still, Eli's skill is equal to that of any Paladin if not better.

Failures & Embarrassments

She has failed a number of times in making a difference in the lives of people she had taken under her care, including the hunters under her charge during the owl bear incident, or those killed as a result of- Don't worry about it!   Other more recent failures include her allowing Gerath and Mateus to access her brother's tomes, as well as failing to protect Claire from the Solisian Adventuring Bureau.

Mental Trauma

Eli is casually suicidal. Her failures to save many of the people she attempts to protect weighs heavily on her despite her best efforts to appear unaffected. As a result she wishes for her journey and suffering to be ended already- as the result of an honorable attempt to fight off a powerful attacker.
She has also retained a rather worrisome amount of trauma following her training as a Paladin, as part of the rigorous tasks involved in the training included actions considered abusive under other circumstances. This included having been starved, not allowed to rest for long periods, and being punished for the simplest of things in an effort to toughen the noble's daughter. Despite this, Eli does not perceive any of this as trauma; only necessary evils involved in shaping her into a proper warrior.   New companions and acquaintances to Eli may notice a clear wall in trust between them and the Paladin- much of it stemming from her own master's distrust of people.

Intellectual Characteristics

She enjoys reading up on local folklore or other stories in her free time- she's an avid reader, a feat for some. Additionally, her education means that with time she can usually bring up knowledge on the world and its history, although there are often times where she forgets even the basics.

Morality & Philosophy

Due to her previous Oath to Vengeance, Eli retains much of the ambiguous morality that was characteristic of her teachings. Following recent events however she has been forced to reflect and consider that not all who stray from the path of good are fully lost. Still mistrustful of those who fall under their enemy's banner she has attempted to have an open mind for those with a past they're trying to atone for.


Eli believes in not intruding on the privacy of others, understanding that some people have secrets they personally would not like to speak about. Even then, she believes that if a secret involves and potentially harms others that the holder of that information should speak up- if not immediately than as soon as possible.   She believes in proper burials and that excessive tampering with the deceased is both unnecessary and incredibly disrespectful.

Personality Characteristics


Her motivation lies first and foremost in her idea of honor and doing the right thing. Previously connecting this belief to her Paladin way Eli has come to the recent revolution that the two ideas can be separated- she helps because she can. Even then her priority above all else is to keep those she feels personally responsible for protected, even at the cost of herself.   Her former motivation as a Paladin was to burn away the world's evils- and being delivered to her god pure.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Eli has a tendency to avoid lying even in times where the smarter choice would be to be less upfront about her motives. This stems from a feeling of atonement having (It's nothing, don't worry), as well as a hope that those she chooses to converse and associate with turn out to be honest people. That being said, she does not possess an incapability to lie, though most come in the form of hiding them within half-truths and embellishments.
She knows her way around most weapons that are Solvesian' in origin, additionally she's quite good at cooking and not terrible at playing the harp.

Likes & Dislikes

Eli has a fond appreciation for music, specifically the harp, cello, and piano. She actually can play the harp- although she does not personally own one, having been taught as part of her studies as a noble.
Coming from her training as a Paladin, Eli has little to no restrictions on food; having been literally starved as part of her training. As a result she sees all food as a means to survival, although this does not mean she does not have favorites. For example she likes custards, fruity puddings, and strangely enough: stale bread. Despite disliking most alcohol she has a fondness for Solvesian wine as Maru would often sneak bottles to share with her from noble parties.
She has a strong dislike for necromancers for obvious reasons. Other than that, she dislikes overly scratchy fabrics and having to wait for long periods of time doing nothing. Most of the time she avoids alcohol as it inhibits her ability to be prepared for situations.
Only those closest to her tend to refer to Eli by her full name of Elina. She prefers if someone had to speak to her formally that they use the honorific 'Lady' or 'Ms.' and even then only 'Lady Brightworth'   Those she has a friendly relationship with are mostly only introduced to her as Eli, and encouraged to stick to that name.   Her family, Arnesworth, and Maru are the only ones of note currently who refer to her as 'Elina'.

Virtues & Personality perks

She will always attempt to right any wrong that she has done, as shown in ensuring the families of the deceased hunters of her first bounty are cared for, and trying to assist in the rehousing of the 'orphaned' owl bear children.   Oftentimes rather than holding on to sums of wealth she tries to give to someone less fortunate.

Vices & Personality flaws

Tired of the dishonesty of noble life, she is rarely not upfront about her dislike with other people's behavior, for better or for worse. Additionally, if she believes someone is being unreasonable or hostile without warrant she will not hesitate to escalate conflict even further. Her quickness to action has gotten her into a number of tough situations, including almost being harmed by a friendly rune as she dove through a window to rush the enemy.

Personality Quirks

She takes constant care to verify the integrity of her, in her view, more important items. In idle conversation or other inactive stretches of time she tends to adjust her armor, clothing, or her weapon. In moments of discomfort you may notice her adjusting her weapon more than usual. In the presence of people of higher standing her stance tends to change, literally standing in such a way that radiates a specific aura of nobility, a lesson from a past life. Otherwise, she tends to stand awkwardly to sides often, leaning on the weight of her armor to hide her slouch.


While she prefers to keep her armor, clothing, and herself to a high state of cleanliness there are times where seemingly forgets to care for her appearance. In these times she brushes off on-lookers as they stare at this armored tiefling covered in blood, mud, and viscera. Those moments are usually brought on after a long battle, hunt, or other general high-physical activity.


Contacts & Relations

Has a connection with the Paladins of Kelemvor, knowing several names and legends through her master.   Her brother Shiro is the Duke of Caviri, the lands under control of the Brighworth house around the great lakes of Solveis. Her sister is married to an official within the tribes of Nel'Tark.   She has a close connection to some individuals of the Nonya family of traders within Solveis, particularly Nonya Maru whom she was childhood friends with. The two have had a falling out however and remain on a thin line between disliked acquaintances and enemies.   Arnesworth, her butler, has served with the Brightworth family since she was young and often was her closest confidant during her stays within the Brightworth manor.   Her travels with her father have lead her to befriending several guards of the Solvesian forces, generally around the capital of Westraten.

Family Ties

The Brightworth clan gained its land and reputation through the actions of her father; the slow inheritance and collection of the land surrounding the great lakes of Solveis being the culmination of his and his family's work. The Brightworth name has faded somewhat with the death of her father but it still holds its weight.   Her father Stephan Brighworth was the head of the family, under him were his wives; Wilhelmina, and Nora.   Her eldest brother, Alton C. Her second brother, Shiro and her older sister, Clover W.

Religious Views

As a former Paladin of the death god Kelemvor, Eli's views of death are more open than others. Generally she was taught to accept death- viewing it as a natural stage, the final page to the story of life. While she still believes in the sacredness of a proper burial and transition from one stage of life to another her faith has been somewhat shaken as of recent.

Social Aptitude

Although raised among the higher class of nobles she actually gained most of her mannerisms from her father, her Paladin master, and her tutors. She prefers simplicity and impact based on action, generally avoiding falling back on the lessons of her noble lessons unless absolutely necessary; preferring the crass and blunt nature of face-value statements. She usually knows when she's being spoken to in the round-about way that nobles favor.


Whether in a state of calmness or high intensity combat Eli is able to move with the calculated grace of a noble. Even then, she tends to try and restrict her movements as much as she can as if to avoid disturbing the world around her. In times of stress or anxiety she becomes jittery and awkward, her body moving as though it had gained a weight beyond that within her mind.
During points of strong emotion Eli may become quieter if not completely falling silent, her mind racing to find the proper words to display her feelings. In this state she may stutter more often and fall flat of connecting her thoughts.   Combat tends to stress Eli beyond that of her usual levels leading her to act in unpredictable and reckless ways, often leading her into situations of unnecessary harm.

Hobbies & Pets

She has her tamed dire wolf, Ollie. She enjoys reading, playing the harp when able, polishing her armor and weapons, and practices calligraphy (although rarely).


Eli is not the verbally curious type- preferring to allow privacy among those she meets and talks to. Even then, she hates people who speak in a round-about way, associating it with dishonest or people who have motives pertaining to themselves. She prefers that answers from someone should be as simple as possible if they would prefer not to be spoken to- or have something they'd like to hide.
She tends to stutter and stumble on words often, but has a larger understanding and vocabulary than others due to her upbringing.

Wealth & Financial state

As part of her training she chose to cast off most unnecessary wealth, only really keeping her formal hakama as a symbol of her status. No other part of her apparel has an outward appearance of wealth as she tries to avoid anything other than necessities.

Once noble and leader of the Duchy of Caviri for a short time- now dedicated to the eviction of evil within all of the Redd Isles.

View Character Profile
Neutral Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Lady Elina Brightworth, former Lord Regent of the Duchy of Caviri.   Former Paladin of Kelemvor   Second in line to the throne of the Duchy of Caviri.
Westraten, capital of the Duchy of Caviri in Solveis.
Current Residence
N/A, Nomad
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Known Languages
She knows common, deep speech, and infernal.

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Hatred and Joy for life both.

Two days since she left the warm embrace of her home. Her blood sticks to the inside of her mouth after the fight with the first beast, something that tore through glass and stone in pursuit of hunger. They push to the garrison as the lights of the city flicker against the setting sun, and enemies soar through the sky hellbent on taking them. The nuclear paladin of Solvesian renown glows radiant in the sky in battle for them, and in brief thoughts she wonders if she could have done the same, if stayed on the path. But the thoughts return and bring the taste of bile and hatred both, she pushes them down to focus on the task.   Tactical thought comes easily, the consequences on her mind and body come later, to use one of them as bait to cull the herd, to cut the head off this snake. Briefly though, she sees her face in the reflection of the garrison's windows as the light fades, brief flashes of guilt, fear, and the horrid feeling of futility. She imagines more beasts flying through the sky, burning her home, her people to the ground.   Compartmentalize, the voice of her paladin master says in the confines of her mind, focus on what matters now.   She wishes she could have saved Shiro. Life is sacred. There is so much blood and killing in the war to come. Her thoughts go back to the garden outside the Brightworth manor, how properly trimmed, neat, as it was. Imagines how swiftly it was torn down, the flowers pulled from root. What is preferred, the gentle hand of the gardener, or the cold blade of the tool killing all at once?   __________________________________   The scouting party's captain lays on the ground, claws dug razor sharp into his back, the smell of sulfur and acrid dust rises in the air from the residue of eldritch magic. Her arms, first the ones glowing of force in the strength of her spirit, flip him over so that the fear of his eyes could meet hers, the hatred one could truly feel for another.   Her hands, the ones of blood and flesh, and anger, wrap around the coils of muscle of his throat. They squeeze and strangle. The others pound on the sides of his face like a drum, like the beating of her heart in her ears. Thump. Thump. Thump. Those poisonous thoughts rise in her again, her oath, not to redemption and the life this one could have lived, but to vengeance, to the lives lost from this one alone.   Life is sacred. Life is sacred.   Your life, her voice says in the pits of her mind as the light leaves his eyes, is forfeit.   __________________________________ She wants to look anywhere else, to banish the thoughts of what shes seen to the depths of the astral planes for something to eat and then despair.   Grafting, the act of adding that of one to another, in agricultural practice it is done to bear fruit from one tree to the growth and burden of another. She tries to compartmentalize again, tries to detach the thought of ripe fruit from the putrid sight of a man defiled, in pain. She turns to the new blood, Desmond, and tells him to find help, to find anyone, because in the desperate pleas of her mind she must do something, to have someone help her, join her in her agony. His flash of obedience is the only thing to impress her, and wonders if given the chance like him, in her life if she would have chosen this life. To have gone and learned in an academy only to witness horror unending in the brief time of the truth of this world.   She so desperately wants to share his determination, but can only find her hands grasping and un-grasping at her sides in quiet shock and desperation to reach out and comfort the dying man in front of them. She wants to hold his hand, to tell him he would be okay, even if it was a lie for herself, wanted to hold her teammates so that they might ground themselves and know comfort in the shared trauma of being together. But she doesn't.   Her training takes its bitter, horrid hold. He needs to live. Life is sacred.   They needed to know, anything, please, anything. Or else, he would be far, far from the last.   __________________________________   She reads the signature at the bottom of the letter, its inky outline framed by the charred bits of browned, burnt paper, "Oleander" it says. When she can finally tear her eyes away she looks at her companion, a face she has felt a silent unity with as their travels have taken them between countries, duchies, and kingdoms. Thinks about how the writing couldn't possibly be hers, in brief flashes imagines parents, an older gentlemen with the same uncommon paths of thinking, a woman with more maturity but the same headstrong sense of progress.   She thinks of the flower, the Oleander and what it means, the colors for peace, friendship, health. Their petals flowing in the wind, plucked off from the head in a vibrant hue of yellows and pinks.   She thinks of stems in bunches. The sticky, bloody, thoughts rise again, and her last thoughts are of stems, green and vibrant.   The gardener's hands push forward and wrap around them like the neck of life, and in equal parts squeezing and snapping, breaks them in two.   Oh, she thinks, what our blood can do.

These things happen in threes

Their guns raise like a bristling phalanx with spears raised high- the dark gunmetal stark against the snow white surroundings.   Her mind races to react. Her body is already moving, as a thousand words and phrases race through her brain, though all she can hear is the metallic scrape of her blade shifting from her sheath and into her hands. They couldn't take Claire- it wasn't fair. She'd already failed a mere hour ago, allowed herself to get sloppy, to trust- trust in Gerath, to trust in Mateus, to trust that her brother's work would not seduce them-   The price was already paid and now the brothers were gone, her fault, like waving a piece of meat in front of a starving wolf.   There could not be any more weight on her conscious, not now, not today, but the odds are not in her favor. The universe in all its mercy frowns down on Elina Brightworth.   She draws her sword. A single stroke, a single flick of the wrist spells her doom,   Bullets fly through the air and hit her with all the force of a mace at full speed. All she can feel after is similar to the wrath of a thousand fire ants. Armor fails, flesh tears, and the tiefling bleeds.   Her mind picks up where her body leaves off and she coughs out a surrender as her sword drops to the ground.   The Solisians are gone seconds later.   'Failed again, Eli', she thinks to herself, 'there goes another one.'   _____________________________________________   She's stumbling through the snow gathered on the roof now, her footing uneven and jagged.   Her eyes are only trained on Rowan, the figure of the Cleric making her way to a secluded alleyway.   They just need to regroup and they'll figure something out. A little voice in her head begs her to keep trying.   But as she reaches the edge of the roof that leads to the alleyway all she wishes for then and there is to die.   Her foot catches on a chunk of ice and she falls.   Almost everything in her screams all at once but a small part of her is at peace, she does not deserve to be caught.   Rowan is there anyway, as she has been.   _____________________________________________   It feels as though she's breathing with an anvil placed on her chest. Her eyes focus on a thousand different things at once, the sky, the clouds, the snow, every individual brick on the wall, the blood that seeps into her eyes from a head wound.   The sound of Rowan's voice is a distant drone, but in the ocean of over stimulation she grips it in her mind's eye like a life raft. She evens her breathing to the silence that follows before Rowan is ranting again, something about Lydia- something about Mateus. Slowly the stiffness in her limbs start to dissolve as her brain becomes viscerally aware of their further surroundings.   Footsteps clatter down the cobbles to them in their alley, heavy and imposing, not belonging to anyone she knows.   Every muscle in her body yelled out in pain as she forced herself up, to stand, to keep fighting.   Tragedies tended to come in threes, and yet only two of the four of them were gone now.   Fate would have to tear another from her hands. Fate would have to grind her into dust kicking and screaming.   She stood.   _____________________________________________  

Bound by idiocy.

Wounds have mostly healed, courtesy of occasional visits to the Leviathan's infirmary. Old leather armor has been scrapped, too many hours spent repairing it. Especially with how much repeated force damage from eldritch blasts it has sustained. Replaced with partial chain, I wear it under my robes. My robes are still in good condition, I wash them every other day and check for tears and rips. I believe I should invest in different clothing, just to give my current clothing a break. We're on our way to my home though... I suppose I could wait until my return to see if there is anything from my wardrobe that I'd like to try again. I mostly left the fancy silks and rare leathers to my sister and brother though. I wonder what it will be like when I return, if anythings changed.   I hope that they've kept Alton's shrine maintained.   I still pray for his soul, even though its likely he still serves his darkness, even in death. Kelemvor does not answer me, though sometimes I still dream of the misty fog and the rocky fields of the afterlife that I viewed for brief moments in my journey. other news I've sold my nodachi in return for something more easily wielded from the Leviathan's requisitions booth, a katana with a honed edge, originating from home. Ideally I'd like to try new weapons and perhaps learn new skills, but for now its best I rely on my training, now more than ever. I also retrieved a rare artifact, a gold coin of which I have not seen an equal. I keep it within the enclosed pocket of my sleeve in my robes, a modification to my clothing that Maru had taught me to make. It does not seem all too unique, though it is indeed magical in some inexplicable way.   Oh, I suppose I should mention the fact that this long after the time which I have found Rowan in the bandit camp encased in a box and the banquet. The banquet was... of little success, though Lady Everis indeed continues to breath, so it was a partial victory. We are on the run now however, apparent traitors to Estovia and its Lord Regent. It was only thanks to Captain Kestus and the crew of the Leviathan that we were able to escape, though tensions were high for a while as Kara and her brother are not on the best of terms even now.   We make way for Solveis, there I hope to be provided diplomatic sanctuary from my brother. Even if we do not acquire said sanctuary there is always the choice to join the crew of the Leviathan, however. One that I have come close to accepting, though I hold back still awaiting council from my traveling companions.   Speaking of my traveling companions, I've come to appreciate them somewhat. They've proven reliable when we were pushed to the edge during the banquet disaster. Even while we failed in a technical sense I feel that if I were to attempt any of the things I did that day without them... well, I'd probably be meeting Kelemvor much sooner than expected. If only my master could see me now, though she would probably not approve of me traveling with a group. Among her main tenants was that a Paladin of Kelemvor could not have distracting connections to the world around them. In the way a gardener lovingly nurtures a plant, though is not all too concerned with its death aside from preventing the next.   I suppose that is why Kelemvor has denied me his faith.   This is a road I will track when it comes to it, and I will walk it with open eyes, but for now my sense of duty to these people remains resolute. My goals remain the same, keep my companions safe, keep the innocent safe, and destroy all evil within my sight. The next time I see Lydia I hope I will have the chance to finally defeat her, to stop her from harming any more people.   My companions seem in OK spirits, Claire and Gerath have signed on to be with the crew of the Leviathan, though I wished that they had discussed the contract with the rest of the group. I hope I have not offended them in some way that make it seem like my goals are of conflict with theirs, I hope to try and help them get the best of things. My concern for Rowan remains, especially now that we can confirm that her former best friend has been impersonating her in Estovia. I will keep her under my watch for both our protection and hers, while I've come to trust her judgement and active investigative mind I worry about that girls self preservation.   Her plans have mostly not failed us in the sense that any of us were killed, so I trust her, though in the future I hope to be able to work together more and have more input. Our combined efforts during the last event were truly what made us succeed as much as we did.   Oh, I received a strange messenger bird that came from the direction of Estovia the other day, it carried a letter which was stamped with the wax seal of the House of Nonya. It did not take a world class detective to deduce who sent me it, though against my better judgement I did open it.   Maru of course, was in Felspear. I thank the gods everyday that we did not see each other face to face otherwise my week would have been... significantly worse. She has Ollie and actually promised in plain text without any threats or insults that she would take care of him. It was actually quite sweet. She of course ended the letter with 'Hope this letter reaches your rotting corpse <3 <3 <3, Ollie gives his love etc etc."   Aside from... all of that... its been pretty peaceful.

Semi-Indepth thoughts on travel companions.

Gerath; Strange. Reminds me of Shiro. A little too posh and very nervous. Easily distracted sometimes, but something tells me he's good at heart. A little voice in the back of my head tells me he's nervous for a darker reason. I ignore it. This group seems to have a lot of secrets they'd much rather hide.   Claire; Bold. Has a lot of heart for someone of her size. Has a bit of a habit of getting into trouble, not that I've seen much except for the end of her less than bright ideas. People with that kind of bravado tend to feel like they have something to prove, I only hope with all of her talk that she doesn't end up in a situation we can't bail her out of.   Wren; An interesting individual to be sure, someone who is unequivocally friendly first, if previous interactions have shown. They've shown themselves to be a thief by our first interaction, but can I truly come to any conclusions about their character by that alone? I feel as though I can take their kindness at face-value.   Rowan; No, I don't think I have the energy for that one. (Ok, fine. She seems to have a lot going on with her, but at times I find her unreasonable. While I understand that she seems to have more experience than many of us in most of the current... situation, some of the moments I've shared with her do not fill me with a great image. Perhaps I am being too harsh, or it is because out of all of the people here I have spent the most time partaking in adventures with her, but at times she seems almost... self focused and prioritized on filling her own individual goals. I suppose I understand somewhat- out of everyone here she actually has a fleshed out reason for being here as part of the church and having a friend who was supposedly taken by this cult. But I can't help but feel that she tends to talk over people frequently, not quite asking us what we think and when I have tried once to say how I believe we should proceed with a situation she had said something along the lines of 'We can't just sit here we have to do something'. I feel... frustrated sometimes. This entry itself is longer than all the others and it hasn't even fully filled out how I feel about the owl-bear incident or the time I apparently tried to kill her in a dream.   I sincerely do not think I have the energy for it. I am at the very least glad she has her heart in the right place- I only wish she was a little bit more... engaging with her other party members I suppose.)   Fishel; He comes and goes. Surely there's more to him than his... lack of... thinking? Not much I can conclude from his abilities.   Armin; He tried to kill me in a dream once. Other than that he's a solid guy who has offered me employment more than once. He reminds me of my father, I should ask him if they have met on any adventures.   Kara; I know there's more than meets the eye with her. I feel as though I recognize her from somewhere but I refuse to entertain the thought further than that. After what shes been through, she deserves her privacy.   Kestis; Needs further research. Despite trying to kill me, I feel a sense of mutual respect with him. He has offered me employment if my current arrangements fall out. Only time will tell if I take him up on his offer.


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