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Floret Deepbrand

Floret Deepbrand

Once a member of the Tormickan military, she now roams The Redd Isles working for the Adventuring Bureau. A very blunt fighter, now lich, she uses her abilities for what she thinks is the best decision, although sometimes at the dismay of her peers

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall and well built

Body Features

Feline ears and a tail

Identifying Characteristics

Splotches of a greenish hue on her skin

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Floret was abandoned at the age of 6 left with only some runic emblems and grew up in a cave outside of the port city of Hilhorgu, she spent a lot of time keeping to herself, occasionally venturing out into the market to trade services for supplies. As a child wandering alone she had to develop her fighting skills young. By the age of 8 everbody from the town new she was capable to handle herself, and anyone who tryed to harm her were beaten down in a brutal fashion. At the age of 16 she met a sea captain of the Tormickan Navy and was taken in to join, not because of her patriotism for her nation but as an means to make herself stronger. After 2 years of active service she was given an out to the horrible conditions of the military, and jumped at the opportunity and during an attack at the mainland gone wrong, she took off. Getting taken by Lance Corperal she eventually landed a job at Slappy Mc Finnigans in Solis where she worked as a fry cook and garnered the attention of the Adventuring Bureau when she stopped a robbery at work. Taking on tasks for them were more fufilling for her and after a while she was sent to investigate a disturbance in Vinviel and on the way she found an old man who she decided to help, where she was given a pretty box (Phlactery). Once arriving she met up with another group of adventurers and ended up joining them and their misadventures.

Gender Identity

Floret is a girl and refers to people as whatever they want to be called


Floret would probably be Pansexual if she had ever gotten the talk about the birds and the bees developing intrest in all genders


Self educated along with the extensive training pf the Tormickan military and the Adventuring Bureau


The Solisian Adventuring Bureau

Accomplishments & Achievements

She earned many accolades in the Tormickan military but they never amounted to anything She earned employee of the month for a few months in a row at Slappy Mc Finnigans, only because during that time she lived upstairs and would work almost everyday

Failures & Embarrassments

She doesn't know who her parents are/were but feels the abandoned her due to her failures, so she constantly strives to be better, one of the reasons shes become a shield for those around her, so they don't abandon her the same way her parents did She feels she failed her comrades in her group from the Tormickan Navy, due to abandoning them, but she does know its better for herself

Mental Trauma

Abandonment issues from her past, she doesnt like being left out, and trys to participate where she can. Dying once has truly changed her outlook and now cares less about herself over others growing cold to her own needs because she knows as long as the box is okay, it doesnt matter what happens to her.

Intellectual Characteristics

Floret is a little slow in the intelligence department apart from combat where she excels, not from her raw battling strategy but from the punches she pulls from left field leaving her enemys stunned.

Morality & Philosophy

Floret believes anyone can be good with the right mind, but understands that some people aren't worth the time and effort due to their tendacies. Growing up trading her services for raw goods she has a distain for modern capitalism but also understands that she has to have those shiny rocks to keep herself alive. Floret doesn't know anything, if at all about religion so doesn't pay any mind to any of the gods.


Contacts & Relations

Rowan : She thinks shes smart and respects her intellect, but also believes that shes a little weak on the physical side Takoda : She thinks shes too quiet and doesn't know much about her, but is deeply sorry for throwing her during their first encounter Severin : Respects them for their strength but doesnt understand his relationship with the short dead guy Lady Eli : Also respects them for their strength but thinks she's a little too fancy and it makes her feel a little dumb Short Dead Guy (Mateus) : Happy that he explained the whole "Being Dead Thing" but not much more, doesnt understand why he doesnt like Severin Slappy Mc Finnigan : Her ex-employer she knows if something happens she always has a place to come back to

Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Tends to be very forward and blunt


She tends to try and hide her mannerisms due to living like a savage for years, and learning that its not okay to act that way, though sometimes it bleeds through her persona.

Hobbies & Pets

She likes cooking

Wealth & Financial state

Shiny rocks suck

A recluse warrior from Tormicka, She only wants to help those in need

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Floret, Member of the Solis Adventuring Bureau
Date of Birth
Highbloom 27th
Somewhere in Tormicka
Current Residence
An Apartment in Solis, which is pretty dusty at this point
Once Blue, Now more Teal
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Peach, with splotches of a green hue
208 lbs.
Known Languages
Common Elf Orc Giant

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