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Severin Brom

The Hero of Maven Peak Severin Brom (a.k.a. "The Beast")

The Hero of Maven Peak originated form humble beginnings. Growing up poor with his parents and six younger siblings taught him the value of hard work, responsibility and honesty. Despite what many may think due to his family's lack of wealth and farming background, Severin excelled in both Athletics and Academics, but was often found to be too headstrong and a bit aloof in social situations. Severin was fast to make friends, especially a half-elf socialite named Mateus Brylamain. It was as if the two were meant to be. But due to unfortunate circumstances, such as cult magic, curses, and lycanthropy, the two were seperated.   Thus began the Calamity of Maven Peak at the hands of Mateus Brylamain, Severin's lover.   Severin had to do something. Quick. In order to free his home, with Mateus too far gone, Severin knew he had to do the unthinkable. As he plunged his father's sickle into his lover's chest, the shadow that loomed over Maven Peak instantly repealed, but things were never the same.   The people he grew up with have been brainwashed. His family was displaced, Maven Peak was in shambles, and Mateus was gone.   He blamed himself for all of it.   And he vowed to never fail again.   Now, armed with the weapon that freed his town, the curse that bound him, a thin guise of optimism, and a whole lot of guilt, Severin pledges to assist those who are in need, whether that be by offering them a helping hand, or protecting them with his cold iron sickle.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Tall, broad shouldered, and muscular. Pretty intimidating to anyone who comes across him. This is a man who spent his free time lifting heavy objects and machinery to help maintain his family's farm, as well as the ability to pile up 140-200 pound hay bales with ease.

Body Features

Severin's entire body is riddled with scars from his travels, whether they be from battles or self-inflicted.

Facial Features

Despite his gigantic frame and chiseled features, Severin's facial features are rather "soft." His gentle, mellow blue eyes, roman nose, and delicate lips. There is a certain sadness to his face, despite the fact that he is barely ever seen without a smile.

Identifying Characteristics

If his wide, 6'7 stature doesn't catch your eye, his golden locks and striking blue eyes may. Severin's face also seems to have a couple of scars, mainly one going across the bridge of his nose, one across his lip, and one across his right eyebrow.

Physical quirks

Severin has a knack for his outerwear being covered in dirt, leaves, or hay, but mysteriously, his hair, skin, and thick beard manages to stay clean and trimmed. Severin is also known for his beaming, gap-toothed smile. Those pearly whites are able to melt ice if given the chance.

Special abilities

After having devoted himself to rid the world of malicious beasts, Severin had gone through a process that infused his blood with magic during his process of becoming a blood hunter. This allows him to perform blood curses, as well as buff his weapons for extra damage. Severin also suffers from Lycanthropy, manifesting during times of great stress or anger.

Apparel & Accessories

While on adventures, Severin can be seen in protective, albeit breathable armor, such as scale-mail. Under his armor, Severin can be found wearing quite comfortable pieces of clothing such as sleeveless tunics, and common pants and boots. Severin has a belt outfitted with multiple vials of different elixirs, a pouch for his crossbow bolts, and a place to hold his journal.

Specialized Equipment

Severin carries a sickle, the very one his father used to harvest wheat on the farm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Hero of Maven Peak came from a long line of farmers situated in the southernmost part of Solveis. His family was poor, making their living by selling their crops and animals to the people of the nearby town of Maven Peak. Despite the little money the Broms had to their name, they were a happy and charitable flock, frequently welcoming the people of Maven Peak into their quaint little hearth for food and drink, and a place to stay if they ever needed it. Because of their neverending generosity and presence within the town’s agricultural scene, the Broms were a household name among the people of Maven Peak. The Brom family itself was rather extensive.   Abraham Brom was the eldest son of a long line of farmers, never having left southern Solveis.   Maybell Brom was the daughter, and sole child, of an ironsmith, acting as his apprentice.   The two met while Maybell was commissioned to fix up Abraham's father’s farming scythe.   They fell in love, married, and had seven children in total:   Their eldest son, Leo (18), who fought and died in the great war when Severin was six years old.   Severin (21), the only surviving son.   And Willow (19), Briar (18), Dahlia (16), River (14), Ivy (9), Severin's five younger sisters.   Despite Abraham having little academic knowledge, being that he never attended school at the higher levels, both Maybell and Abraham encouraged their children to attend school, believing that knowledge and a quick wit was as important as being physically strong while living life on a farm. Severin himself was rather smart, despite what other people may think due to his lower-class farmer bloodline. He excelled in athletics, but wasn’t too bad in language arts and mathematics. In fact, he was the most well-spoken and well articulated in his family.   Despite this, Severin would often ditch any logical thinking for rushing into conflict head on. He’s a quick thinker, but a quicker fighter. This headstrong way of dealing with obstacles was aided by the fact that he was always larger and stronger than his peers of his same age range, and even his family, reaching well over six feet by his early teens.   Because of this, he made an excellent farm hand. Being the biggest, strongest, and oldest of his siblings made it so that he had a lot of responsibilities. Helping Abraham plant and tend the crops, feeding the livestock, maintaining the barn and the house, taking care of his siblings, etc.   Abraham and Severin were especially close, considering they would do most of the work on the farm together. Severin never complained. He enjoyed spending that time with his father. Abraham instilled the value of hard work, discipline, and humbleness into Severin, with countless life lessons and morals laced in the work they did together. Abraham would often look at his son’s face, still beaming after a day’s worth of sweat, dirt, and hard work, and see hope. Hope that one day, he will grow up to be greater than Abraham himself.   Severin was genuine, and sweet, and had many people in his life that he would consider friends, but there was someone he spent more time with than anybody else he knew. A boy by the name of Mateus Brylamain, of the Brylamain family. One of the founding families of Maven Peak.   The two first met as children, forming an inseparable, albeit unexpected, bond. The two would continue to spend most of their time together, well until their late teens. Mateus was a rather small and meek child, and thus often got bullied. And when that happened, Severin was always there to save him. Mateus’ own knight in shining armor.   More often than not the two would spend their days by each other's side, just the two of them. Watching as the water dipped between their toes on the shores of maven peak. Skipping rocks along the river. Biding their time during the cold winter nights in front of Severin’s fireplace, wrapped up in a cold blanket. Telling stories among the hayloft in Severin’s barn, all without a worry in the world.   Through it all, they were always there for each other. Always.   The older they got, the more they realized their feelings for each other were more than just platonic. Severin never understood why he had never felt the same way his other friends felt about girls. At this point, he has never had a girlfriend, or kissed a girl which was surprising to most since he was a more than eligible bachelor. It never really interested him.   The barn where Severin and Mateus would trot around in as children now became a hearth of their own. Despite its dirt floors, scattered hay bales, and countless farmland animals inside, it felt like a home, especially to Mateus. Some nights, the two would lie amongst the swathe, gazing at the stars above. The glimmer the two saw in the cosmos above could be shared within Severin’s soft gaze as he looked at the man next to him. It wasn’t until he looked upon Mateus, his face illuminated by the rays of the solvesian moon, that he had experienced that insatiable feeling he’d heard of many times before. Severin was absolutely infatuated with Mateus. This night is the night they shared their first kiss. And it was definitely not their last.   Unfortunately, this change in their relationship did not go unnoticed. Mateus would often spend the night with Severin, deciding not to return home some nights. The Broms had welcomed Mateus with open arms. The Brylamains, however, were not so accepting. Lucia Brylamain absolutely could not accept her own blood crossing with serfs such as the Broms. So, she devised a plan. In the blanket of darkness, she cursed Severin Brom to become a monstrous beast in time of great distress, during which his emotions would become out of control.   Severin, in his beast form, attacked his father, critically injuring him and leaving him permanently disabled. When he finally came to, covered in blood, kneeling in front of his heavily scarred (albeit still breathing) father, his guilt was overwhelming. He had become a monster.   Severin sought refuge with Mateus, naked, afraid, and covered in blood. Mateus, albeit without context, cared for Severin. Awake among the creatures of the witching hour, Severin surveyed the night sky.   Severin, once again, felt as if he had a responsibility. He felt as if he was a danger, to the people of Maven Peak, to his family, and to Mateus. Without another thought, Severin fled, with nothing more than a short letter to his loved ones. He’d thought a life in solitude would be better than subjecting his loved ones to any more pain.   Thus sprung forth the series of events leading up to the calamity of Maven Peak.

Gender Identity

Severin identifies as a cisgender male.


Severin was never the type to actively seek a partner. While growing up, he was always too busy with farm work, or taking care of his family to even think about the possibility of romance in his life, before he met Mateus. Because of this, he never really discovered the true scope of his sexuality.


Secondary School graduate.


Freelance adventurer, usually employed by people in need across Soleveis.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Severin had made a name for himself in Maven Peak, not only for his kind deeds to help the people of his town, but also his achievements in Secondary school, such as: his athletic prowess in school sports, as well as his good grades.   Severin, of course, is most renowned for his achievement of freeing the town of Maven Peak in a time of great peril.   Something that is generally unknown to the public is the fact that he underwent a dangerous blood ritual in order to become a blood hunter, and survived.

Failures & Embarrassments

From an outside perspective, Severin is a man of no faults. A generous hero with a bleeding heart.   However, Severin carries heavy burdens upon his shoulders he can never seem to shake off. He's always been a quick thinker, but were the decisions he's made in the past the best he could do?   Because of his contracted Lycanthropy, he feared for the safety of his loved ones, so he ran away. But he often thinks if that was the right choice? To exile himself? After all, he left Mateus behind, and that's what may have started the events leading up to the calamity.   The thing that haunts him the most is how he freed the town of Maven Peak. He killed Mateus. The boy he's known since childhood. His one true love. Severin knew for certain that Mateus was not all there when controlling the town, because the Mateus he knew would never do something like this. But during his last moments, the sharp edge of a dagger pressed up against Severin's throat, and his sickle jammed into Mateus' chest as tears flowed down his face, has stained his mind forever.   And did he do it too late? Sure, he freed the people, but their minds are now muddled. Most don't remember anything about Maven Peak. Some are too far gone to function as a living being.   To the people of Soleveis, it was a heroic act.   To Severin, it cemented him as a monster.

Mental Trauma

Severin suffers from PTSD because of the events of the calamity. He hates any instance of enchantment magic used on him, as well as spells and languages such as message or deep speech that allow the caster to speak to him by infiltrating his mind. To him, it hits too close to home. The mere mention of Maven Peak or Mateus Brylamain may also be a trigger. These triggers can often result in immense anxiety or depressive episodes. In some cases, if the feelings are very strong, it can result in his lycanthropy to manifest.

Intellectual Characteristics

Severin is very well spoken, something well known to his allies if they can decipher his thick country accent. He loves to read in his spare time, cozied up by the fire, or while looking out upon nature while on his front porch. His intelligence is not limited to literature, however. Being from a farmer family, he knows quite a bit about plants and animals, and often applies that knowledge while on adventures. While on adventures, he also applies his knowledge of arcana, being a magic-user and all.

Morality & Philosophy

Severin often believes that optimism is the way to go, and a smile goes a long way, being that he does not like to dwell on negative thoughts too often. Severin is also endlessly kind to most people, even if they show some animosity towards him.   This kindness does not extend to deadly cultists, nor does it apply to monsters that have proven themselves to be malicious.   If you present a danger to the people or his friends, he will drop his cheerfulness and show no mercy.   He will not fail again.


Severin has never been particularly religious, so his antipathy towards evil religious groups is more of a morality and past experiences thing, but he has a seething hatred towards murderous cults and cult sacrifices.

Personality Characteristics


Severin is conflicted.   On one hand, Severin devotes himself to acting as the shield for the innocent, smiting any monster or person that poses a dangerous threat to them. His career choice is far from a normal one, or a safe one at that, but for Severin it is worth it knowing he is doing some good in the world.   On the other hand, what he wants more than anything else is a peaceful life. A family of his own. The warm hand of the man he loves. But to him, that's unrealistic, considering everything that's happened. He believes it's something he will never achieve, but that doesn't stop him from daydreaming every time he spots a happy family, perusing and enjoying their time with each other.   Maybe that is why he is so protective of the innocent. It's what he wants for himself.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Severin is terrible at lying. In fact, he hates lying. This attitude towards lying was likely adopted from his father, with his repeated mantra of:   "The naked truth is always better than the best-dressed lie."   He often repeats this mantra during times where the opportunity of lying, that would most likely benefit him more than telling the truth, but he tells the truth anyway.   Severin has lied once, he remembers what happened because of it.   For things he's good at, Severin is very good at taking care of things, whether they be friends, family, plants, or animals. To most, he is the embodiment of "southern hospitality." This is amplified by the fact that he is quite the chef, offering home-cooked meals to guests whenever they visit his quiet little cabin.   He is also very good at fighting, but this is already well known.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes:   Dogs (especially his dog poppyseed,) cats (even though he is allergic,) animals in general, nature in general, feeling loved, family, friends, literature, acoustic instruments, bards, spring, houseplants, brunettes, working out, bathing, singing.   Dislikes:   Evil monsters, cults, necromancy, charms and enchantments used against him without his consent, evil magic, personal use of profanity (he just doesn't like to curse, he doesn't mind if anybody else does it, its their life,) excessively rude people, public restrooms, being covered in dried blood, and not bathing for an extended period of time.

Virtues & Personality perks

Severin will always ensure he treats anyone he meets for the first time with the utmost respect and kindness, call it "southern hospitality," if you will. This, of course, can change with a snap if they show any semblance of acrimony or malicious intent towards him or his allies.   Severin also makes decisions that he believes will yield positive outcomes, not only for him but for everybody around him.   One of the perks that come with being the renowned "Hero of Maven Peak" are his alliances with the common and noble folk of the south and central duchies, often offering him shelter during times of need.   There is also the fact that Severin is, in fact, a blood hunter, and as such he has arcana-infused blood. This, combined with his lycanthropy, can be useful in many ways, especially for his monster-hunting exploits.

Vices & Personality flaws

Severin can crumble at any prodding of his past demons, and he knows this. He is easily triggered, with it's effects varying. Severin has a sort of animosity towards negative feelings, being that he is prone to panic attacks and depressive episodes, that sometimes result in the manifestation of his lycanthropy. He is endlessly optimistic to the ignorant eye, but delve a little deeper and you can see that this optimism is a shield for himself, a constantly repeating frame of mind if you will, to prevent the manifestation (or rather acknowledgement) of these feelings.   Severin also feels the need to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Growing up taking care of his five sisters, the farm, and the effects of Maven Peak incident have formed Severin's internal duty of ensuring the safety and wellbeing of everybody he grows close to.   If given the chance, he would sacrifice himself for the well-being of a close friend.

Personality Quirks

Severin dislikes any use of enchantment magic used on him without his consent. This also applies to spells that allow the caster to speak in his head. His reactions to these can range from mild discomfort or annoyance to a full blown panic attack or Lycan rage.   Severin, strangely enough, gently rubs his fingertips over his many scars while in deep thought. Whether this is a way of easing his mind or a sign of anxiety is unknown.   While in deep thought, he sometimes makes a habit of whistling through the gap in his teeth.   When idle, Severin enjoys chewing on things, whether it be gum, tobacco, candy, you name it, he chews it.   The more comfortable he gets around someone, the more scatterbrained the subjects in his already long conversations become. If he keeps going on tangents, that means he's comfortable around you.


Severin takes very good care of himself. He works out in order to maintain his ideal adventuring form (as well as his health,) he brushes his teeth regularly to keep his smile bright and shiny, and bathes regularly to clean off the caked up blood from his body. Because of this, he always smells like lavender.


Contacts & Relations

After the events of Maven Peak, Severin does not have much in terms of close friends. There is his family, who he of course remained in contact with in the aftermath of their mind erasure, who he sends money to often. He also apparently has kept an ally from Maven Peak, who now resides in Solis.   Aside from his family and former friend, Severin has made three new additions to his pretty small circle, all of whom he has met throughout his extensive adventuring career.   Severin is also allied with The Watchers, ever since the Maven Peak incident. For one, he has met Takoda Naidu while on one of his many adventures, and has remained close friends with her since.   There is also Brenan Wintermantle, an Air Genasi, a fellow blood hunter.   And, of course, the apple of Severin's eye, his bestest friend: Poppyseed the golden retriever.

Family Ties

As mentioned before, Severin is in close contact with his family, providing them with money every time he is paid.   He is very close with his mother and father, Maybell and Abraham Brom.   Severin is also close with his five younger sisters, Willow, Briar, Dahlia, River, and Ivy.

Religious Views

Severin is not too religious. He doesn't align himself with any particular god or deity, but believes there is some greater force up above. Some nights, when he is really desperate, he pleads to them as the midnight looms.

Social Aptitude

Severin is very social, and very kind to those he has met for the first time. He isn't exactly the life of the party, but he would be the type of guy you could trust your drink with after getting to know him for a little while.


Severin has a habit of going on extremely long tangents, especially during casual conversation, which can only be stopped by outside influence or self-realization.

Hobbies & Pets

Pets:   As mentioned before, Severin has adopted a three-year old Golden Retriever during his travels, naming her Poppyseed.   As a child he had a pet pig named Bart, who unfortunately passed away.   Hobbies:   Severin enjoys reading, as well as writing poetry. He says it helps him express his feelings and to "get it all out." He rarely shares this poetry to anyone out of fear of it being bad.   Severin also enjoys cooking, especially when it's cooked with ingredients he's grown or raised himself. His favorite dish to cook is a Solevesian vegetable stew, the recipe of which he's learned from his mother.


Severin is known for his infamously thick southern accent, somewhat understood by many, completely incomprehensible to some.

Wealth & Financial state

He was poor, up until the aftermath of the Maven Peak Incident, after which he was paid handsomely by The Watchers.   Severin also makes good money by accepting contracts as a Blood Hunter.   It's a modest living.

An optimistic, albeit skilled farmer boy devoted to keeping the peace and helping those in need, utilizing the curses that had previously chained him down.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
"The Hero of Maven Peak"   "The Beast"   "Sevvy-Wevvy"   "Rin"
21 years old
Date of Birth
13th of Highbright, 4 AC
Eastern Solveis, on an island off the coast
Current Residence
Mainland Eastern Solevis, Solvesian Woods
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6 feet 7 inches
Quotes & Catchphrases
"How ya'll doin?"
Known Languages
Of course, being a human (and a well-spoken one at that) is very fluent in common.   After the events of the calamity, and his exploits against monsters and cults throughout the years, Severin has picked up on both Abyssal and Deep Speech, both of which he is uncomfortable in speaking.

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Beautiful Lies
29th of Highfrost, 25 AC.

Pa always valued honesty above all else.   I had first learned of this when I was a small child, around 7 or 8, playing with his tools when I wasn't supposed to. I was jabbing the sharp end of a pitchfork I had found against one of the support beams in our barn, but I guess I didn't know my own strength. I ended up destroying the prongs of one of his most expensive tools, the one that would scoop up mounds of hay with little effort, especially for a man as worn down as my Pa. It was strong, his best tool, and I knew this. So, instead of owning up to it, I tried to bury it deep under a heap of loose straw, and I thought that was that.   Of course, he wondered where it went, and after an hour of searching, he had found it.   I remember him knocking at my door, warped pitchfork in hand. At that moment, I was entrenched in fear. I had opened it, and there he stood, shrouded in shadow, filling up my entire doorway. I burst into tears, expecting the worst.   Then, he spoke.   He went on to describe how he wasn't angry that his pitchfork was broken, rather, he was disappointed that I tried to hide it rather than confessing, and letting him look for it even as I knew where it was. Through thick tears, I babbled on about how it was his best tool, how it was strong, and helped him so much while working, and how I was afraid of how angry he'd be if I were to show him I broke it.   He sighed and said to me:   "The farmer's best tool is his sharp mind and his own hands. A tool is just an extension of yourself, your raw power. It makes you better based on what's already inside of you, it doesn't make up for what you lack. I know you got an honest soul, son, and I understand you were scared. But you lied, and I know you are better than that."   He stooped down to my level, one hand propping himself up with a shovel, and another rested on his knee as he looked me in the eye, his tired blue eyes barely visible beneath his thick, furrowed brow before uttering that phrase he'd repeat in his slowed, slurred drawl:   "Son, sometimes the ugly truth is always better than a beautiful lie."   He then patted me on my shoulder, stood back up, and told me what I would have to do to atone for my misdeeds.   Throughout my childhood I had never seen Pa scream with rage at me or any of my siblings, nor did he ever raise a hand at me or my siblings to strike us as a form of brutal punishment. All he needed to do was talk to us, in his same gruff tone, telling us that he knew we could do better. That was more effective than anything else he could've done. More effective than he could have ever known.   It was at that point when I started working on the farm with him. I was a good farm hand, feeding the animals and tending to the plants, collecting them for my mother to sell, helping lift bales of hay that were far too heavy for my father to carry alone, even when he was younger. It was during this time where I had really gotten to know my father. Sure, it was quiet sometimes, but there were moments when we would be standing amongst our land, looking at our rows upon rows of crops, where he would utter lessons he learned throughout his long life. Lessons that stuck with me, even now. Kindness, valor, and of course, honesty.   I lived by the truth, and sometimes I like to believe I still do.   But there are nights where I question the validity of the notion that I live with honesty. Sometimes I feel as if I'm lying to myself, and maybe Pa was lying to me when he said there was good in me.   Sometimes I lie awake at night wondering what things would be like if he remembered everything that happened back home. I was just a kid, and I was foolish to underestimate the effect of my choices. Will the powers above ever forgive me? The things I did to save the town. The things I did to Mateus. The things I did to him the night I became a monster. Would he still believe in me?   I tell myself, through persistent tears, to get myself to sleep easier, “Of course he would.”   Or is that another beautiful lie?  


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