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Boneharbor, the Leviathan Graveyard


Boneharbor is a place where many gigantic sea creatures perished during The Great Flare and, much later, The Shattering of Andromeda. The bones of these creatures jut from the water's surface, forming the structures known as the Teeth Pillars. Fishermen and sailors do their best to avoid the Teeth, as ages of superstition has warped them from mere bones into the cursed remnants of dark gods.  

Boneharbor, Fishing Village

Boneharbor, the fishing village sharing the name of the lagoon, is nested between the ribs of a giant whale, nets strung between the bones to hold harpoons, sponges, trophies, and other important items. The structures lean haphazardly, promising collapse, but never seem to fall.   The village is protected from the dangerous creatures of Teralt's oceans by the presence of the Teeth Pillars, as well as the coral reef that stretches between them. These warm, shallow waters mean fishing is prominent and successful. Boneharbor's primary wares for trade are fish, sponges, and talismans created by craftsman using the Ancient bones that wash up on the beach, and those uncovered by divers.   The ribs that pierce the village have been carved with stories, potry, artwork, protective wards, and warnings. The people believe that when the Boneharbor village dies, the ancient remains will carry their spirits into the future, allowing them to live forever.  


The lagoon did not originally exist until the Great Flare inspired strange behaviors in many sea creatures. Massive beings of the sea beached themselves, reshaping the area around their deaths into a lagoon. A coral reef grew across their skeletons, leaving only the Teeth Pillars remaining, and introduced the perfect ecosystem for a safe fishing village.   Before the time of the Shattering, the Androns who settled Boneharbor during the Time of Strife fished far beyond the reef in relative safety, but after the Traveling Parent warped the biology of the ocean, it was no longer worth the risk. They began to fish only within their harbor, and introduced sustainable practices to prevent their descendants from overharvesting the reef and destroying their way of life.


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Aug 14, 2024 01:20 by Paul

Reminds me of a couple places I have been - including a graveyard you enter by walking between two whale bones!

Join the brave skysailors of Linebound!
Sep 2, 2024 13:27 by Chase

That sounds awesome. What country was that?

Aug 16, 2024 02:22 by Lady Wynter

There's a lot of worldbuilding in this article without it being overwhelming. I like how you make this place come alive.

Bringing the Light
Sep 2, 2024 13:28 by Chase

I'm glad you enjoyed! I wrote this article in a bookstore. Great place for inspiration.