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Masragot, the Betrayed Beguiler

The Betrayer's Doom


Masragot, the Betrayed Beguiler, is a ominous figure among the Ancients of Teralt. Known for his unique vendetta against betrayers, Masragot embodies the consequences of deception and treachery, hailed as the God of Revenge in certain heathen circles. He moves unseen, striking fear into the hearts of those who have broken trust, and is both feared and respected for his relentless pursuit of justice, albeit in his own twisted way.  


Masragot never took an Ancient moniker, and so his name remains the same as it was during his life as a human. However, if he were to have chosen a Morilanic word for a name, it would be the word for Loyalty.  


The Beguiler is stealthy and menacing, with shadowy, almost ethereal features. His eyes are a deep, piercing black, and his skin has a ghostly pallor. Long claws tip his fingers, ideal for his sudden and lethal strikes to the heart of his targets.  


Cursed with the unique affliction of being unable to move when observed, Masragot turns to stone when seen.   Masragot has mastered the art of stealth, making him a formidable assassin despite the circumstances.   In terms of magical abilities, this Ancient is lacking. As his focus is singleminded, he does not practice or research arcane pursuits, and has never been seen casting a spell of any kind, though he does seem to have an uncanny ability to locate betrayers.  


Originally a human of high moral standing, Masragot's transformation into an Ancient was triggered by a profound betrayal that nearly cost him his life. As he lay dying, he was touched by the Ancient Elixir, twisting his psyche and morphing his once-noble pursuit of justice into a singular focus on revenge against all forms of betrayal.  

Hunting the Betrayers

Masragot's life as an Ancient is dedicated to hunting down individuals who have committed acts of betrayal— though he seems to make an exception for other Ancients. His methods are ruthless— he is known to rip out the hearts of his victims with his claws, symbolically and literally taking away what they once betrayed, and what he viewed as them lacking. His first kill was his own betrayer, and he took a special joy in watching the life leave the eyes of one he thought to be friend.  

Capture and Sealing

Masragot was captured by Castor Valensra and subsequently sealed away after being intensely studied. He was locked in stone by a magical artifact designed to replicate the effect of an eye.   He was later released by Mordred.  


Masragot's fame as the God of Revenge faded out of popular worship, but the curse associated with him did not. Often, mortals of Teralt would curse others to suffer the "Betrayer's Doom", not knowing exactly what it was. But this curse draws Masragot's gaze.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Betrayed Beguiler
  • The Silent Avenger
  • The Heart-Taker
Black, haunted
7'2" or 2.18 m
"Those heartless enough to betray their friends will soon find themselves just that, when the Heart-Taker finds them."


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