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The Masked Order

The Mask of Malice is stolen from Castor’s Vault by a member of the Kastir who fell in love with the power and chaos of Ecclesiarch. Castor’s banishment removed the magical securities on Castor’s Vault, enabling the theft.
  The Masked Order lives in the Alcazar, their hidden castle within the Skin Valley. They found it abandoned, as Keskon frightened away the previous inhabitants. They're not afraid of Keskon, as one of them could easily wear the mask and sacrifice themselves to Ecclesiarch to fend him off, should need be.
  Founded by the ex-Kastir member who became obsessed with “the god in the mask”, the Order worships Ecclesiarch, who they believe will eventually grow strong enough to escape his prison and lead them.
  The Masked Order is a group that worships Ecclesiarch. Some are mages, and others are just simply priests. They spread the mask around throughout history in their goal to make the spirit stronger until he can eventually break free of the spell of the mask and lead them forever.


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