Through the Door in Teralt | World Anvil
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Through the Door


Entering the mysterious doorway, you are greeted by a enigmatic old man. Somehow, though, you get the feeling that he is both out of time and place, or perhaps simply bound by neither.



Welcome, Visitor. I am the Mystic of the Aethanaeum. But much as you, I am blessed to be a guest of this transcendent realm.   Please, stay as long as you like. The Library invited you in, after all. I'm sure there's something we can find for you to read around here...  

And if not, you can always relax over by the fire. Might as well make the most of your stay.


You look around the expansive space, the shapes hurting your eyes as you watch them fold in on themselves. The architecture seems to be one big paradox.   This certainly shouldn't have been behind that door.   So it must be magic, this... what did he call it? The Aethanaeum?



That's correct. The Aethanaeum.   Many call it the Mystic's Library, but it belongs to me much as a sun belongs to the flowers it feeds.   I do curate, though. For first-time Visitors. And they're always first-time Visitors. I've never seen the same one twice.   So do let me know if you need help with anything.


Looking behind at the door you entered through, it seems to have changed.


by Midjourney


The other side of it certainly isn't where you came from. It might not even be the same planet.



Oh? The door doesn't lead back home? Fascinating.   This means that you must be in the book here... What was your name? Ah! Nevermind, here it is.   Indeed... You're to be a Traveler. And I'm... to accompany? Purely in the cerebral capacity, of course.   I'm not to leave the Aethanaeum. Not yet, anyway.


Beyond the Mystic, you can see endless shelves of books. Perhaps something here could help you return home, instead?



Entirely impossible, I'm afraid.  

If the Aethanaeum wills you to Travel, then Travel you will.   And despite the infinite knowledge contained within, neither you nor I can read what it does not wish for us to.  

Though evidently, I'm to give you... this.


A cryptic item floats down in front of you, landing in your hand as you reach up to it.





The Amulet of Ages. It will allow you to— let's just phrase it as "time-warp"— to eras long gone, during your Travels.   Time is funny, here in the Aethanaeum. And this relic sort of funny-fies time wherever you are. That is perhaps the best way to explain it.  

I digress. Do feel free to browse if anything here catches your interest.   Perhaps you should look into those rooms before you go?


The Mystic waves a hand, and several doors appear to grow out of the walls nearby.

Earth's Doorway
The Moon's Doorway
Teralt's Doorway


Vivus' Doorway
Inanis' Doorway


Well, Traveler, whenever you're ready, step through the door which brought you here and your journey will begin.  
You may forget I'm with you, but I'll be there to provide any information I can along the way.  

Shall we see just what Tale the Library has written for you?


by Midjourney

Cover image: by DALL-E


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Dec 30, 2023 06:30 by spleen

oh, i love this! it really feels like you're exploring a library. i like that it has a lot of options to check out! great work.

Have a wonderful day!
Dec 30, 2023 06:32 by Chase

Thank you! I am very pleased with how it came out!   Now to just furiously fill out those tomes!

Jan 17, 2024 23:51 by LexiCon (WordiGirl)

Very interesting and enchantingly immersive article. Thanks for sharing and entering this into the Special Category. God bless and much success with your New Year's plans! <3

Jan 18, 2024 18:07 by Chase

Thank you for the compliment! Have a wonderful New Year! Much love!

Mar 23, 2024 23:09 by Tim Day

The CYOA structure for your primer is fantastic. I love the conversational tone and how it encourages exploration. Nicely done!

Mar 24, 2024 00:22 by Chase

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it! I've been trying to find the time to work on it more, but I'm always happy to see people have fun with it.