Drow Ethnicity in Teravar | World Anvil
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Well over a thousand years ago, an event the Drow called "The Sundering" occured. Details of what led to it, its contents and its outcome are mostly lost to time but the pervasive belief is that many of the old gods died and the world was split in half. Elves chose two different ways to survive this cataclysm. For the High or "Moonsong" elves, they rode to sea and stayed trapped in the magical storms that whipped around for centuries. As for the Dark Elves, or Drow as they're called, they chose to stay behind. Stories (and evidence) varies in two camps. Some, like the major cities of Innocia stayed inside of great cities protected by magic while others weathered it out in caves and old vaults during the worst of the event. At least, that's what they all claim. There's no prevailing theory, and Drow that supposedly stayed in the cities look the same as those that don't. Still, the people here worship the same gods and speak a similar language as their light skinned cousins.


Major language groups and dialects

Drow people speak Drow as a language family, but the language has divided off into multiple dialects. Someone from Mil would have a very different dialect than a drow from the Far East. Generally the rule of thumb is talking to someone from the west usually has a more sing-song and lighter tone to their words, someone from the center of the continent has harder consonants and throatier words, and someone from the far east drawls out their words almost like a lisp.

Shared customary codes and values

When Drow were first "discovered" when the first ships arrived in the New World, speculations on what they were led to wild rumors immediately that have taken centuries to quash. Indeed, when the first explorers brought back trinkets from their expeditions, many of the basic myths of the Drow would be laid down.  

Myths of the Drow

  1. Myth: Drow have dark skin because they live underground - Fact: While traditionally many drow supposedly lived underground during the Sundering, no large group of drow still dwells in caves. The speculation behind their different pigmentation is that they're simply a different race of elves or perhaps the cataclysm had some overall effect on their coloration. Either way, there is no sinister motive behind their skin.
  2. Myth: Drow worship a half spider god-queen that gains power from lies - Fact: The first expeditions of man brought back artifacts from the lands of the Fenzanese, which mainly consisted of spider shaped jewelry. While for the Fenzanese that see the spider as simply the model hard worker and something to be cherished in society, this evolved over two centuries into a conspiracy involving an alarmingly elaborate deathcult. Mysticism in the Old World often embellishes these claims to attract curious onlookers.
  3. Myth: Every Drow is a slaver at heart - Fact: Drow are people like you and me. And every nation is different. Yes, Fenzan once had slaves. And Innocia is less than 30 years since their abolition. But the Milese never had slaves, nor did many of the other nations that have long since been swallowed up by Venrir and Pronia. Still, that isn't to say that slavery is gone from the world. Rumors hold of lands to the Far East that it's still practiced in, with many an adventurer setting off on an ambitious quest for liberation.
  Drow worship the same religion as High Elves (albeit with some minor gods in different places, and Eine is a debate everyone likes to skirt around) and their language is almost understandable to someone unfamiliar with the tongue. However, to ask what culture means to a Drow can get a different answer every single time. They are a group of people that (save Innocia) have never been particularly united. Now, many find themselves banding together inside of Venrir or Pronian cities in their own districts to create a melting pot of their old cultures.

Art & Architecture

Each region is entirely different. The most striking examples have to be the Drow in Pronia and Venrir.   Venrir has gigantic temples made of stone and stucco, painted over in vibrant colorations depicting major historical and religious events. Artistry is a major element of the groups that now make up the heart of Venrir society, as murals can often be seen decorating any major district they live in.    Pronia has a very different group of Drow. Because they're given a far greater berth than their cousins to the south, they oftentimes either live in separate villages or in an entirely tacked on district, usually using their traditional double hearth log cabins. Usually their large homes have an oval shape to them as well as two chimneys. Because of their great numbers to a single family unit, two families will become one for a generation by the oldest sons of both houses marrying the oldest daughters of the other (though this usually does not extend down the line) and building a new home for both households to live within. Both families live and raise their children together until both households have a son and daughter of marriage age. They then each find a new family of suitors, and after a final feast both families will part ways. Often (but not always) they choose to burn the house down and live in tents until the new home is established.

Foods & Cuisine

Such a wide area is guaranteed to have unique cuines. Ultimately like any pre-globalist nation, the people live off of what they can grow. So this can vary from the rich fruit laden dishes in Venrir to the heavy fish related diet in Oskirk. Drow are omnivores, so whatever is available to eat that isn't undignified (rotting meat or people for example) is fair game.

Major organizations

Almost every nation in the Continent of Teravar has Drow in it. Some of these are minority numbers like Pronia or Venrir, and Khundaragz's population is frankly insignificant. But every nation does have some. If these aren't nations founded by some other species.  

A short list of still independent (and "independent") Drow nations

    This is a list of all nations in Teravar ruled by or mostly populated by Drow (Nations underlined are relevant, and nations in bold have some say on foreign affairs while Innocia is both).   Fenzan Oligarchy: A vassal to Venrir in all but name, the cities of Chiwestle and Chek'Thalben house the political elite that rule the tiny nation. Their economy now consists almost entirely off of the dye they produce and sell worldwide.   Milese Kingdom: Venrir claims they're a vassal like Fenzan, but the Milese disagree. This Kingdom still resists Venrir expansion, partially due to its dispersed population. Three times the size of Fenzan in area, it only has about 10,000 more citizens. With the capital city no larger than 8,000 people, the entire nation is mostly subsistence farmers.   Innocian Empire: The most powerful faction of Drow. This warrior kingdom relies on magical shield formations and playing spoiler between Venrir and Pronia to keep its position as regional power. They have a magical oracle who lives in the mountains and imbues power into their weaponry and armor.   Confederacy of Chilia: A Venrir vassal through and through. Its beauracracy is purposely confusing and byzantine in an effort to mishmash ancient traditions and modern law. Likely this nation's time is limited before it is split up by its two other vassal neighbors.   Kinehokian Tribes: A collection of powerful city-states that constantly fight amongst themselves. If united, the magical fortresses that make up their residences would be near impossible to break. But they simply chose to besiege each other instead of expanding outwards.   Comneytesian City-States: The worst of Feznan and Kinehokia, these city-states oftentimes ally with larger nations to serve as proxy-wars for differing interests. This has left most people living in the cities to avoid destruction. These people are lumped together as one even though they'd never agree on it. Comneytesia isn't even an agreed upon name for them! Merely it's the largest city in a region plagued with a constant war that even Kinehokia would call excessive.   Betfieldian Principality: Where Innocia is magical and supports Pronia, Betfieldia lacks magic and supports Venrir. Historically these two evenly matched nations have been rivals for centuries, though Betfieldia often was on the losing end as their speciality was more in the line of shipmaking than any grandiose army. Besides the human and goblin nations, this is perhaps the most free nation in the new world with its elections of "The Serene Prince", a title dating back to before their independence.   Ithian Theocracy: Alright, maybe there is ONE group that lives up to the fears of outsiders, at least somewhat. SOMETHING from the Sundering still rests in the waters off the coast. So every year for about two months, winds carry the sea foam that bubbles up to the shore where it dissapates. This foam becomes a white powder with extreme magical potency...it also causes near instant terminal-cancer. These are the death winds: and so the people here must live in magically shielded cities (Innocia, Kinehokia and Betfieldia have magical cities too, but not near to this strength) for protection. Any ships caught out at sea when the death winds begin are written off by all parties with no survivors. This has led to a desperation by the culture in an almost fanatical war on Pronia's border that typically gets more intense right before and after the death winds begin to make their way over the land. Due to the fragility of life and the everpresent fear of death (as heavy storms can bring a minature-death wind in at any time), most Drow here worship Tyix in order to guide them on to the afterlife.   Kingdom of Cydaladar: Betfieldia's freedom isn't solely out of the goodness of the elite. Once, these two nations were united as a grand empire, but after a lengthy war they split off. The south formed a quasi-republic while the north became a far more stringent kingdom. They always planned to retake the south, but with many of their island holdings going into rebellion, this may be put off indefinitely.  

Nations thought to exist but aren't verified

  Tetrarchy of Haggaroth: Four Drow brothers leading a rebellion against the kingdom of Cydaladar, they are confined to an island and single major city both with the same name.   Duchy of Tellorth: Another vassal in rebellion against Cydaladar, believed to be the end of the New World. Almost nothing is known about this nation.   Isle of Berlia and the Bolborbotian council: Island nations that supposedly exist in the east according to Innocian documents, but no Venrir explorer has ever seen them. Pronia claims to have made contact with the latter on several occasions via a very distant outpost.


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