Eranol Character in Teravar | World Anvil
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The father of medicine, Eranol is seen as the god of all doctors and healers. He is a tall man with a handsome face, often covered by cloth as if he is about to perform surgery. Amongst all of the gods, Eranol is a master of dexterity, with his fingers being divinely precise and steady throughout any procedure he performs. Surgeons and doctors regularly pray to this diety for even a fraction of the same steady hands for their own, in order to guide them through the next procedure. Due to most matters involving life and death for him, Eranol is a very serious god. Humor comes hard for him, and his followers tend to lack the sly tongue for it anyways.    Oftentimes, cities do not have a temple to the god of medicine. Instead, a small chapel inside of many hospitals and clinics is dedicated to the Holy Surgeon himself. Worship for him is through successful treatment of individuals or through the discovery of ways to cure others. This is why some saints of Eranol weren't even practicioners of his religion. Individuals such as St. Leriya earned their status as saints by their discoveries saving future lives rather than any form of worship. Saving lives is always the objective for his followers. One only needs to look at Eranol's Creed which states a healer should always try to care for someone when possible. Therefore, good or evil, Eranol's doctors try to care for all sentients after a battle if it can be helped.      There are a great deal of legends surrounding Eranol. Perhaps the most famous is of how he was the creator of elves, assembling them himself with the blueprint made by Halshef as the sky god worked as his assistant in the procedure. Ultimately, it was successful, so sometimes he also is called the father of the elves along with Halshef.     Eranol's chosen animal is the bear.
Divine Classification


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