Faewilds in Teravar | World Anvil
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Faewilds (The Sea of Trees)

"These directions make no sense! In three hundred paces I need to start sobbing uncontrollably at the thought of never experiencing the 'essence of becoming an orange'?"
    Perhaps the world closest tied to the material plane, the faewilds are the realm inhabited by a countless number of beings of the same name. However, unlike the material plane, it seemingly stretches on forever as no Fae has ever properly mapped it. Sometimes referred to as "The Sea of Trees", the Faewilds are a land encased in dense forests, jungles and building high grasslands in any direction.        

What is Known

    Few have gone much further than right into an entrance of the fae wilds, and even fewer have lived to tell the tales. However, there are a few documented facts.     1. Just because the Faewilds are endless does not mean the forests themselves are. Each forest seems to be completely isolated (speculated to maybe be its own miniature plane by scholars) with overgrown tunnels of trees leading to the next region. These are not in linear space, as over a half dozen things have been reported to cause two people walking through the same portal to end up in different forests.1   2. No Fae, even the Fae kings and Queens, know how to navigate their forests beyond their own domains. There are portals to the Faewilds in both the New and Old world, but these lead to completely different Fae who only know of each other's presence through the material world.2   3. Because the forests themselves are magic, they each have become a locus for a different kind of it. Within the Faewilds, power is based off of the seasons. An example being a forest perpetually in winter let's you channel frost magic to a more powerful degree. Reportedly, groups of lost Drow have formed their own societies in these wilds and worship the season they are trapped within.3   4.Curiosity is unbearable to Fae, so they often whisper into the ears of mortals to travel into the Wilds in order to use them for exploration. SUPPOSEDLY, a successful expedition for a Fae leads to great wealth and power being bestowed on the explorer. However besides some rumors of certain wealthy nobles or powerful magnates, no one has stepped forward yet to verify this claim.     Dozens of kingdoms are known to dot the Faewilds, depending on which portal you enter through. So for the very few people lucky enough to survive the wilds once but unlucky enough to enter it again, it would be best to treat any Fae seen along the way with the utmost respect and caution.


  1. Even the Fae themselves aren't sure exactly how to traverse from one way to another. Speculated reasons for why someone ends up in a different place than predicted vary from sickness to what color socks the traveller last wore. However only two methods have been verified by the limited scholarly study. What you are thinking about and what emotion you had while crossing through the portal. This means four travelers either thinking they can or cannot escape this as well as having a confident or shaken emotion can lead to four different destinations. However, this has been backhanded into only one reliable way of travel.. If a Fae gives you actually truthful directions, you would note the emotion and specific sentence you need to run through your mind on a quite regular basis is: Utter Panic and "Oh no I'm Hopelessly Lost!"   2. There's nothing strikingly different about Fae from the Old or New World. Simply being it is far more traversable and their servants have a far greater tendency to meet each other in the material plane. No Fae has ever made contact with a member of the other group through the wilds (but a great many have tried!), though all Fae kingdoms in the old and new world have at least some roundabout method interconnecting themselves.   3. Fae magic is based off of the four seasons in harmony. However focusing entirely on one makes you stronger in that specific field. This leads to a rolling conflict among the drow trapped inside (and some in the deep material plane jungles) of whether worshipping all seasons or just one is heretical.


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