Lagassh Character in Teravar | World Anvil
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To many elves, Lagassh is the anthesis to their very religion. As a moderately powerful demon of one of the nine hells, he earned his fame by supposedly meeting Halshef in combat during the great calamity. As the boats of the High Elves sailed away, they went centuries without knowing the answer to this legendary battle. Now, upon returning to the New World, all signs point to the demon being the victor. However, Halshef must have done some damage to the demon, as he was no longer able to inhabit the material realm. For centuries, the cult of Lagassh has been banned by the state as any practictioners may attempt to return him to this plane. However, that does not mean he doesn't have followers. Promises of wealth and fame attract many of the downtrodden, who accept his guarantees as being legitimate. Corruption along the way is just a natural side effect really.    His symbol is a boar, puffing red and angry as it prepares to charge. Blessings supposedly come upon those who worship in his name.
Divine Classification
Current Status
Seeking to return to the Material Plane
Over 1700 years Old


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