Pronian United Provinces Organization in Teravar | World Anvil
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Pronian United Provinces

On paper, Pronia could conquer the entire continent. If only they weren't weaker than the page this is written on.
  As the largest nation and nearly double the population of its rival, there should be no reason that the Pronian United Provinces doesn't dominate the entire continent. However, there most certainly is one. Pronia is a confederation of colonies pretending to be legitimate states and cities, all cloaked in a banner of unity while hating each other more than they do their very rivals.   Pronia is a very loose confederation of cities, joined under a mutual distrust of elf dominance. Multiple nations back in the old world sent their colonists overseas to start cities in a mad dash, leading to a collection of over a dozen languages all combined into a hodgepodge state. When they aren't fighting Venrir they're usually fighting each other.  


  Pronia is made up of fifteen council seats. Dodbrid is the capital of the nation and has one seat permanently in it. The other fourteen are basically a free for all every five years as their central location changes constantly. Twice a decade: bribery, threats, blackmail and sometimes open warfare will decide who gets merely a slice of the power to run the United Provinces. This can result in drastically different councils within just a few years that have wildly different goals.  


  For all of its instability, two things keep Pronia as one of the most powerful nations on the continent. First, its huge population means it can never run out of bodies. And second, the great forests and grasslands it inhabits means there is always more land to be developed. Hundreds of towns continue to spread out deeper and deeper into the continent. Drow inhabit the inland cities, though not near to the level of Venrir. Typically, the further southeast and inland you go, the people become more battle hardened and wear heavier, more plain looking armor due to near constant skirmishing with Elves and Orcs.
Geopolitical, State


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