Tabaxi Religion Organization in Teravar | World Anvil
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Tabaxi Religion

The Tabaxi religion is unique in that their rulers in the old country are considered living embodyments of their Gods or Goddesses. Due to the specific order of reincarnations, the ruler cycles every generation between male or female. These are known as the Khits. They have intense magical power and walk amongst mortals, however they die instantly if they leave the homeland, only able to affect distant events with their Avatars or great magics. Listed in Order of succession. The first is the current Khit and the last is her deceased father.   Niut, the Khitess of Spring and the Great River, is very beautiful, with light fur and long, flowing hair, and eyes the color of bronze discs. She is short and very wide, often having a very motherly demeanor about her. She usually wears chain mail dyed dark blue. She is also associated with intoxicants and warriors. She is often worshipped by warriors and partygoers, as she drinks with her men in a massive feast before they go to battle. There are many stories involving her daring adventures with certain mortals. The most famous of her current incarnation was outdrinking an entire company of her royal guard by herself. She is known to occasionally mislead great mortal warriors to test their worthyness. She is depicted with the flowing river.   Amenhemeif, the Khit of the Sun, Summer and Dawn, is very plain, with pale fur, waist length golden hair, and bright eyes. He is very tall and very muscular, and generally appears mischievious. He usually wears armor dyed dark yellow. He is associated with curiosity and mischeviousness. Many of his myths involve tricking other magical creatures. The most famous story of his previous iteration was having such a long winded answer for a Sphinx's first question that it conceded due to how confused Amenhemeif's answer made it. He is depicted with the sun.   Taia, the Khitess of Desire, Psychology and Magic, is rather homely, with very short fur, black hair, and garnet colored eyes. She is medium height and broad-shouldered, and looks somewhat insane, looking unlike the rest of the Khits with wearing only a purple shawl covering her. Shee is also associated with revelry, brawls, understanding and fog. Taia's reigns are seen as a golden age for learning. There are many myths involving her prophecies for great heroes and their gruesome fates. The most famous story of her previous iteration was when a great beast was destroying the kingdom, it demanded every firstborn in the kingdom to eat. Convincing the beast that Tabaxi laid eggs that just looked identical to huge boulders, Taia tricked the beast into being forcefed thousands of rocks until it finally burst. She is known to send visions to mortals in dire need.   Shu, the Khit of Valour and the Fall, is divinely beautiful, with bronze fur drooping to shoulder length. He is short and muscular, and often seems angry. He usually wears stylized armor dyed dark red. Often depicted with his battleaxe, worshippers wield axes into battle if they don't have magical properties. He is known to lure enemies into the deserts before ambushing them. Many of his myths revolve around his long defensive military campaigns and counter attacks. His most famous tale of his previous iteration is slaying the leader of a great orc horde in a pitched duel.   Hunra, the Khitess of Justice and Winter, is very beautiful, with fair, short swirling black hair, and eyes the color of purple flames. She is of average height and of hearty build, and generally has a blissful expression on her face. She usually wears armor and a helmet dyed dark green. She is also associated with desire and beauty. Lawyers and Artists are known to worship her. There are many myths involving her mercurial relationship with certain mortals. The most famous story of her last iteration was wrestling a giant who challenged her for her hand in marriage. She is known to test mortals before they make critical decisions.   Ergamenes, the Khit of Joy and Tournaments, is surprisingly plain, with shoulder length ebony fur. He is very tall and muscular, and is often in a very jovial mood. He usually wears armor dyed black. He is also associated with orphans, letting many of them stay in his palace over his reign. So he is often worshipped by youths. Many of his myths revolve around him completing increasingly impossible tasks for entertainment. The most famous tale of his previous life was personally catching enough Harpies in the mountains to make his favorite ship fly for the sake of a party. He is known to appear before mortals at random.
Religious, Organised Religion

Character flag image: by Bunnywhiskerz


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