The Inoccian Empire Organization in Teravar | World Anvil
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The Inoccian Empire (In-ock-ee-an)

"They say the oracle sees all, yet do you know ANYONE who has ever seen the oracle?"
For most of the native nations of Teravar, the arrival of elves and man has not gone over well. Generally, they have been pushed back or subsumed into one of the various states that have formed on the continent, especially if they aren't in the Far East. There is, however, a single exception to the rule. A native born nation that stands uniquely powerful on the continent and capable of challenging Pronia and Venrir both in open combat.   Before the arrival of the Old World colonists, Innocia was a relatively minor nation. Positioned near the center of the continent, Innocia mostly made ends meet by being a traders. This would change with Venrir annexing most of their neighbors, leading to a crisis in the small nation. After a semi-legendary quest discovered the location of a previously-unknown oracle, the former King and now Emperor of Inoccia would quickly rise to become the largest of all native states.  


  Inoccia is a small nation that has rapidly grown into an empire, forcing its subsumed population to adapt its culture at a breakneck pace. Faced with constant conflict from colonizing elves and roaming orc cowboys, mandatory service in the Innocian army is the only way to keep up the fight. Lacking the technology of their rivals, every month the Emperor leads a procession of blacksmiths to forges constructed around Mount Selune. There, he visits the cave which houses the great Oracle and returns to tell the smiths what symbol to make into their shields. Armed only with a spear, these shields are critical for the Inoccian army because each symbol is a different ward. Together, lined shield against shield and right behind each other these make men not on the flanks near invincible. Only in numbers and tightly trained formations can these warriors ever hope to defeat their enemies. And from time to time it works! Nothing intimidates like a cannonball, until a magical shield can block a cannonball all by itself! With the state devoting more and more of its resources to fighting, this is a nation that should be feared especially if they can begin producing quality firearms of their own!
Geopolitical, Country


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