The Misid Pirate Republic Organization in Teravar | World Anvil
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The Misid Pirate Republic (Miss-idd)

"No, seriously. What did you expect to happen from 'The Goblin Expulsion Act'?"
Goblins, no one likes them. But no one can get rid of them. This is a tale as old as time as hundreds of ships hired by Venrir regularly had to move colonists to the New World. However, when there's a religious directive to settle into your new homeland, elves typically don't want to remain on ships for years on end! Goblins meanwhile were more than content to work as shiphands for what amounted to simply a promise: a promise of their own plot of land. Of course, the amount of these plots actually given out seemed rarer and rarer by the year.   Gradually, the Venrir navy began to have a larger and larger composition of goblins in its ranks. The Elven rulers would see this as an issue, but were powerless to stop it. While never confirmed, there are anecdotes of some ships with only an elvish captain. For two centuries and several generations, goblins found themselves working aboard these vessels with the promise of lands of their own seeming increasingly fleeting. Indeed, few of them had been given property on the mainland, with the number of new deeds getting rarer each year. What happened next really was inevitable at some point. Some goblins on the mainland, upset with the poor land they had been given, decided to pillage several nearby villages. The backlash from this led to a series of laws, eventually culminating in the expulsion of all goblinkind. This was immediately considered a mistake, as hundreds of ships in the Venrir navy staged mass mutinies.   As most of the three fleets had their ships stolen, the mutineers formed into Ad-hoc pirate fleets. For months, no trade was able to go to or from Venrir. While this was the greatest wealth these goblins had ever seen, it wasn't sustainable. They didn't have the weaponry to capture a city, nor did they have any significant number of elf trained carpenters among them. One side facing with economic collapse and the other facing complete destruction, the pirates agreed to stop their pillaging for ten years in trade for the island of Misid.  


  The new Pirate Republic is a collection of 27 different captains, representing the various fleets that had formed out of the mutiny. Together, they make up a sort of parliament, with the ruler being the longest serving among them. On one hand, the "president of piracy" is seen as the unquestioned ruler of the island. On the's just practical business to try and kill whomever is ahead of you politically. Most "presidents" don't last longer than a few months tops with one grisly day in particular seeing them go through six different leaders. Any Goblin is eligible for captaincy if elected by their constituents. Of course, killing all of your opponents before election day is probably the easiest way to winning a democratic contest!  


  It is rather unsurprising that Misid isn't on great terms with Venrir. With their pirate raids beginning again, they have been in need of shipwrights to repair their now outdated and crumbling vessels. So they turned to the only nation more than happy to help them: Pronia. In trade for sparing their merchant vessels, any Misid ship is allowed to sail into a Pronian port for repairs under a sizeable charge account courtesy of the Pronian Navy. Such a journey is quite dangerous as it must circumnavigate most of Venrir, but the bravest of crews that travel to repair worn down vessels often return as great heroes primed for future ambitious plans.
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