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The most advanced city in Terdja is hidden deep in the Northern Mountains to keep its technology secret from all other creatures. Lupo is the capital city of the werewolf species, but not even all werewolves know where to find it. With too many species and some wolves, Lupo is simply a myth to give security in case another species rises up like Vander. Lupo, however, is not a myth. When the werewolves first became a species, they took refuge in the Northern Mountains in order to gather their forces and learn about their new abilities from the light magic. As time went on, Lupo thrived in secret while Vander's vampires scattered. Lupo became so technologically advanced that the secret of their existence became a priority while still assisting the other species. Many spies roam Terdja in order to keep an eye on the world and report back to Lupo if something needs attention. Since Vander's death, very few situations called for interference. An alpha rules Lupo with a counsel of seven wolves who oversee different essential aspects of the city and outside packs. When the alpha retires or dies, one of the seven is elected and they find a replacement, usually a young wolf they've apprenticed for this reason. The technology of Lupo is modern like today, but with some extra advancements. Under the mountains, Lupo doesn't receive any natural sunlight so a strong dome encloses the city which produces the same energy as the sun, just at a fraction of its intensity so things can grow, the city is warm, and brightens up the city as if it were outside. During Full Moons, a gas emits from the air vents to put the wolves to sleep for the night so they are not in danger of killing each other. A track of trains that speed above the city streets provides all the public transport while walking and running are the only other means of transportation. Citizens of Lupo are exclusively werewolves. Some came from packs attacked by the Rabid Failure or vampires. This city has plenty of farming space to provide for the inhabitants without leaving the secrecy of the dome.
The current leader of Lupo is Ramos. Using the city's advanced science, he created the Rabid Failure. To this day he still hopes to kill the Rabid Wolf. Despite this mistake, the scientists of Lupo are held in high esteem and are always producing things and making things better. They worked mostly on better homes, better farming, keeping the dome in perfect condition, and making life in Lupo the best it can be.
Large city
After the scientist, the Lupo farmers are the next most valued citizens because they make living in the domed city possible. They grow fruits and vegetables and raise cows and elk for food and milk. Farmers often help refugee wolves by giving them small jobs on their land and shelter in barns or their homes.
Even though every wolf is free to be whatever they choose, a wolf must spend a year training as a warrior. If a wolf desires to stay, they become part of Lupo's army. Most young wolves spend their third year in training, then after that, they pursue the career of their choice. There are no universities, wolves apprentice with older wolves in the field they want.

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