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Shayla Aeravir Tanendar

Queen Shayla Tanendar (Tan*in*dar) is the current ruler of the (wood & High) elves she resides in the elven capital of Ostana. She lives in a VERY well fortified Castle in the middle of Ostana both protected by magical wards and soldiers. She is most often seen surrounded by many advisors. Shayla appears as very tall and beautiful by elven standards. She has emerald green eyes which are unusual for high elves. Blonde hair like her older brother which she keeps wraps in various head scarves and elaborate head dresses. Shayla is not as adverse in the arts of war as she would like. The Queen has much to learn. Although it has been 20 years Queen Shayla still mourns the loss of her husband, Bellimon. She has yet to take a new husband although rumor has it she has taken a few lovers.

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