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Summer Camp Reading Challenge 2024 - Forgetting Breadth and Focusing on Depth

How Summer Camp Went:   This was my second summer camp (my first was following an impulse descision from last year where I joined towards the end of the camp). This year I intended to make a focused effort from the start.   Now this year has been an interesting one for me. For the first round of prompts, I was pulled in well - infact the majority of my completed prompts came from this section. Unfortunatly, I was pulled in a little too much by the prompts that resonated with me, and kind of forgot that completing a number of prompts was preferable to doing a lot on one prompt. As a result I only completed 6 prompts (and one article that stemmed from them, but wasn't a prompt). Oops.   However, I've loved what I have completed and it has led to me worldbuilding some of my new favourite parts of my world - particularly getting over something I've been stuck on for a long time. So while I won't get any awards, I am happy with what I've done in this month.     Reading List: As for the articles I'm reading, the 10 below have lept out to me as interesting:   1.Glaciasvegr - by LunaBriar. Thoughts: Liked the idea here, particularly the links to other areas like "Kaldahall Heights". Though I couldn't leave a like and comment for some reason, sadly.   2.Storm Blankets - by Heavy. Thoughts: Really cool idea, I like the idea of lightning being harnessed/deflected in this way. For expansion, it'd be interesting to know exactly how it works.   3.The Spirit Rock Caverns - by Domen Aria. Thoughts: Cool idea, I enjoyed the different areas described within the Caverns themselves. For future development, it'd be interesting to get more detail on these individual areas   4. Srád lónrálous - by Kveldulfr83. Thoughts: Now this article stood out to me because of the name, which gets explained in the atricle - always fun. I'm also intrigued by it being made from Leindar, not had chance to read that article yet but just having that extra layer of depth makes this feel fleshed out to the point of believability. For adding more, I'd be fascinated to know more about why it exists as is. For example,why is it designed with a net design? Is there a lore reason, or some kind of myth to explain why it is the case? This isn't problem things though, just what popped into my mind as I read through this article.   5. The Doomblossom Tree - by Sirjwinsalot. Thoughts: Interesting idea. Have to say, this stood out to me because of the name, I think contrasting something negative and positive like that drew me in as a "well that's odd - why is it called that" kind of thing. I like the ideas here, especially the idea of burying dead trees underground to produce new ones. My big questions when reading this just come down to why are certain things as they are? For example, why do the dead trees get buried for 10 days, is there a lore reason? Something linking to biology? Same with the twenty five branches and sixteen root clusters - I'd be fascinated to find out the answers to this   6. The Cyraeni - by Aeuvex. Thoughts: Nice idea, always fun to see aquatic inspirations and I enjoy the pulls from real sea animal anatomy here. I'd be interested in finding out more about how the water elementals/magic has effected them, say if it's caused different/more potent adaptations, or may allow the use of their abilities in different ways than normal.   7. Thermoshell Tortoise - by Kaching101. Thoughts: Cool idea, I especially like the idea of drawing on calcium incorporation from real life animals with using iron for their shells. Would love to hear more about how they came about/what wider impacts they may have (such as if they're important to a culture or something similar)   8. Weavefix - by SabrinaKMercury. Thoughts: Interesting idea, I particularly like how it has been expanded into newer uses. I'd be interested to see how far it could be pushed creatively, for example could it be used to make other items that suffer from ware and tear, such as books/covers, or be layered to make protective clothes. Really cool idea!   9. Karga's Lightning: The Spectacle of the Kargathian Wetlands - by Doomhark Thoughts: Interesting idea, and just a flat out cool name. I like how they've discussed how it impacts local peoples and ties to their beliefs.   10. The Rechai Oasis - by Doomhark Genuinly didn't realise this was the same author as the above until I'd left my comment/like! Anyway, fun article! I always enjoy an Oasis based location and this hits those points well. I like how they've included some details on potential threats to the people, makes it feel more real than if it was 100% safe. Especially a big fan of the legends and lore surrounding it, would love to find out how true they were and the depths of them!   What are my goals for the next half year:   For me, I have 2 main goals for the next half a year. Firstly, complete the next Prompt Challenge I attempt (at least to the bronze level, but ideally higest). Secondly, I want to complete world building for my main story and setting for it - Isthramir.   One thing I've discovered over the course of the writing/reading challenge, is that building the settting helps me develop my stories. I've previously stuggled with the idea that I'll spend too much time/focus on world building, when I could be writing the actual story. But in trying to make myself write the story, I've struggled (which felt odd because other stories have come rather naturally). I've now realised this idea was what was stopping me.   In the course of writing these prompts, I've come up with plots, stories concepts, and characters far easier. In particular, designing scene settings has helped me plot out the story better, as I've envisioned how the story will let me explore this new part of the setting, and how the characters will react.   Overall loved participating in the Summer Camp, and looking forward to the next. It was great for getting ideas brewing (even if it was only a few of the prompts that did that) and I'm excited for what I envision it leading to next.


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