The Polarities of Sorid-Kapor. Organization in Ternate Lanterns | World Anvil
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The Polarities of Sorid-Kapor.

Divine Origins

These texts are believed to have been authored by a monk who hailed from a monastery in the general vicinity of a city named Sorid-Kapor, of which none sharing the same name presently exists. The monk's name is anonymous but he took advantage of merchants and pilgrims to spread his word.

Cosmological Views

1. Creation and Destruction:   Before time began, the Yellow Sun breathed. But a lump of wool got stuck in his throat. He flew into an agonizing fit of coughing until he finally regurgitated the planet Jhaeloe into the primordial darkness. There floated in the middle a flying sheep made from the wool, and that was the only thing there, aside from a nigh-infinite expanse of air, which was immutably still and was the same everywhere. The Red Sun did not like this stillness, and thus sent his twin progeny Zalphore and Kormeed, who shaped the cloud-wool into the first lifeforms, which included their wives Xoraphides and Li-omzed.   The progeny of Zalphore and Xoraphides was led by Yarumatos, who invented knowledge and used reason to unravel the mystery behind creation, and convinced half of Kormeed and Li-omzed's sons and daughters to join him, and together they constructed after hundreds of years the Loom of Making. With this they created a great multitude of beasts to serve them, for at this time most animals that lived on the Sheep's woolly back were small and useless and they consumed only the sky's algae. They made beasts that fed on plants, plants that fed on beasts, and beasts that fed on beasts.   Zalphore looked upon what Yarumatos and his disciples had done and saw that the cloud was covered in dung and cadavers, both of which did not rot, because that had not been created then. Before he could face Zalphore's wrath, his friend Dorumaat created death and decay, which caused not only the dung and cadavers to subside but also the plants and animals Yarumatos invented, so another disciple, Ganawhid, made it so that animals and plants could reproduce as they could. Afterwards overpopulation set in and the sheep's back became crowded and pervaded with dung.   Yarumatos begged Kormeed for help, and he gave him a pair of shears with which he cut the wool of the Primordial Sheep, and demanded that Dorumaat and Ganawhid part, and gathered an equal number of his disciples on each one that he had cut off - and then the clouds simply floated away. Henceforth their ancestors sat alone.

Tenets of Faith

The religion is dualistic and hence divided into the promotion of innocence or wisdom. The former states that everything began in a state of blissful ignorance and people then were much like beasts, free to do as they pleased, without a care about what they were in the grand scheme of the universe. Then people began to develop abstract thinking (or what passes for abstract thinking on Jhaeloe) and began to care about things that did not concern them, and actions made with it created unhappiness. To alleviate unhappiness people created concepts like law and justice and foresight and taboos, but that only made things more complicated, creating even more woe, and they could not return to their previous state because these ideas latched into their collective psyches as they stayed together. Some people garnered more knowledge than others and hoarded it for their own selfish gain by inventing a writing system which only they could know. And with this they used it to abuse others. After the Shearing happened some of them vowed to join Kormeed's children and be innocent again.   On the other hand, the people on the other side seek the disciplining of applied knowledge through wisdom, and that rules are pretty neat, and thus they came together to share what they had learned. Though they are savants and prodigies they rarely do anything with their knowledge unless everyone agrees, which is why they have tons of stockpiled scrolls with absolutely nobody to use them.
People who hold innocence as their highest virtue are called Soridites. Those who value wisdom instead are Kaporites.

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