XE12-travelcompanion Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Towering at about two meters, the bulky pitch-black appearance of the XE12-Travelcompanion is an imposing figure. Heavy metal plating accents his chassis and shows any opponent that this machine means business! His head is shaped like a Legionnaires helmet (if one is versed in such matters), the dark black colouring leaving only his glowing read optical-receivers as facial features. His entire body is covered in odd red-glowing lines that seem to shimmer and change the intensity of light. Wielding a longsword and shield and adapt at support magic as well as multiple entertaining features the XE12-travelcompanion series is the ideal companion for any Adventurer party!   Constructed by an ancient hero in secret, the XE12-travelcompanion was created to journey along with the most dangerous missions and entertain the party with stories of epic adventures and songs. The XE12 series were part of the original rollout of automatons in Tinkertown in the early 7990s, and are extremely rare as most automatons at the time were fabricated for Black Rose Clan. They are precursors to the official Warforged.
Genetic Descendants

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