Argynvostholt Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Argynvostholt is a mansion in Old Barovia, and the name of an abandoned ruin in the Shadowed Vale. It was once owned by the silver dragon Argynvost, and is now haunted by his spirit.


Argynvostholt was a bastion for the Order of the Silver Dragon, a knighthood opposed to Count Strahd von Zarovich after the mists of Ravenloft surrounded the country. Once a bastion for good, the fort suffered from a violent assault by Strahd and his forces long ago. The silver dragon, Argynvost, fell in combat against Strahd's forces, his bones and scales taken as trophies.   The Order remains in Argynvostholt as revenants, however, time has taken its toll. Many are driven entirely by their hatred, their malice for the dread lord of Ravenloft sustaining their ever crumbling will. Sir Godfrey Gwilym is one of the few to retain the ability to contain that wrath. seeking out those who may be able to achieve what he now believes the Order cannot: the downfall of Strahd von Zarovich.   In Terra Caelum, the original Argynvostholt is an abandoned location inhabited by feral wereravens.
Founding Date
Mansion / Villa
Parent Location

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