Atilas Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Atilas (a.k.a. the Maniac)

Atilas "the Maniac" is a Thayan shadow sorcerer who was once a member of the Red Wizards of Thay.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Atilas was born in a little rural Thayan village of no significance. His parents, having nearly given up on having a child, were overjoyed when he was born. The first three years of his life, Atilas was loved and adored. His father being the Lord of the Valley and his mother owning the only bookshop for miles, Atilas enjoyed a sheltered childhood in luxury and academics. He spent his free time in his mother's shop, sorting books. He learned to read at the young age of two and was impossible to separate from books. A few years passed, uneventful until one fated day after his fifth birthday. A lone adventurer passed through the village, selling a strange book to Atilas's mother; a grimoire. Whenever no-one was looking it was his greatest pleasure to read the book and learn the arcane ways of magic. Another five years passed and Atilas's magic had grown in potential. He used his newfound power to help to work in the fields, earning a little pocket money and gaining the favour of the people.   Life was good! Until he was born. When he was eleven, his mother gave birth to another baby. Having enjoyed the undivided attention of his parents so far, Atilas was suddenly not as important anymore. More and more time was spent on the little child and he grew more and more jealous. To regain the attention of his parents he started to play little pranks with magic. Moving objects around, scaring people and so forth. As the months continued the pranks became more and more severe.   After injuring a group of people in a prank gone wrong, his parents sent him to the Red Wizards of Thay to learn to control his powers and to teach him discipline. His power and understanding of magic grew rapidly under the teachings of the sages, but his tendencies to play pranks when he didn't get the attention he wanted never died down. Many years passed and the discontent of the council towards Atilas grew with every prank he played on them. Although they afforded him great leniency, after years of study and amazing discoveries in shadow magic, Atilas was finally kicked out of the order at the age of seventy-two to find his own way in life and achieve greatness, just not in the order.   After helping the town of Harrowcrest, he found an arcane grimoire he believed to be a copy of the Demonomicon of Iggwilv.
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
7937 73 Years old

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