Barista Profession in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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A barista is someone that specialises in making and serving a variety of beverages. They usually work at a coffee shop, bookstore, or in a bar that serves coffee or espresso speciality drinks. Besides, most baristas do more than make great tasting drinks. They also help with inventory, running a cash register, and problem resolution. Many get paid per hour, but often can earn tips in addition to their hourly wage.  

Job Description

Baristas have a variety of duties to include the preparation of drinks and providing quality customer service. They take orders, greet customers, and complete transactions using registers. They may also keep an inventory of pastries and price items sold in the store. Furthermore, many coffee shops have regulars that baristas often build a rapport with and even remember their drinks.   Baristas prepare both cold and hot beverages using a variety of machines. Machines include blenders, grinders, commercial coffee machines, and steamers. They steam milk, measure ingredients, and grind coffee or espresso beans. In addition, many coffee shops offer small meals or pastries. Therefore, you may be required to food prep, use a toaster, or convection oven.   Coffee shops are popular and can get very busy. You must be able to work well under stress and have the ability to multi-task. There is often time throughout the day when you may be running the register and preparing drinks simultaneously. Baristas are on their feet for long periods and work around hot machines most of the day. Therefore one must have good stamina and physical abilities. A barista can be required to work any day of the week, and times can vary. Many work part-time, but a few have secured full-time jobs as a barista. Some related careers can include Bartenders, Food Preparation or Serving Workers, Counter Attendants, Waiter and Waitress, and Food Servers.
Famous in the Field

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