Bottled Thunderstorm Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Bottled Thunderstorm

This item has a maximum of 8 charges that can be used for its various effects. If the bottle is empty and opened in a natural (non-magical) thunderstorm, it consumes the thunderstorm and gains 1-8 charges (based on the size of the thunderstorm). If opened in a truly dire thunderstorm, there is a 20% chance that the bottle is destroyed. The item cannot be recharged in any other way.  

Lightning Bolt

As an action, you can hit a creature within 60 feet of you with a lightning bolt. The creature must make a DC 15 (18) Dexterity saving throw, taking 6d6 (9d6) Lightning damage on a failure, and half on a success.  

Lightning Speed

As an action, you can grant additional 10 (20) feet of movement to a creature for the next minute. This bonus cannot be applied to the same creature more than once.  


DC 15, cast at first level. The DC of the spell increases by 1 for each additional charge consumed.  

Weather the Storm

Can be used to double the speed of a ship for one day.  


Spending all charges within an hour creates a thunderstorm centred on you. The thunderstorm acts on initiative count 20, and acts like the Call Lightning spell, with you being the target.
by Rudok's Tavern
Item type

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