Brightwood Warden's Cloak Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Brightwood Warden's Cloak

The Brightwood Warden's Cloak was crafted by druidic artificers from brightwood. It is made of a photosynthetic fibre that thrives under the sun.   The photosynthetic fibre gives you resistance against radiant damage when wearing this cloak. Additionally when you take a short rest in the sun, you heal an extra 1d4 for each hit die you spend.   It has an ability known as the forest's awakening. As an action you can summon 1d4 Vine Blights using this cloak. They obey your commands to their best capability.   The Vine Blights expire and die after 8 hours. You can use this feature again 24 hours after you have used it.   If you lose attunement to his cloak or if it is destroyed, you lose command over all summoned Vine Blights.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Related ethnicities

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