Bronntanas Blade Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Bronntanas Blade

Each swing of this versatile sword trails water through the air. Refracted light beautifully dances on its gleaming blade.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The Bronntanas Blade is a +1 longsword, that does 1d8 slashing damage. The sword, though large, is effortless to wield. The flow guides the wielder as much as they guide it. Unlike other longswords, it has the following properties. Once attuned, you gain proficiency with it. It may be used as a 'finesse' weapon, and there is no penalty while fighting underwater.   Three times per day, the wielder may activate the water blade ability as a bonus action. The blade liquefies into water and extends in length. For four rounds it gains the following properties; the damage type changes to cold, the reach becomes ten feet and once thrown it will return to the wielder's hand on their next turn, providing they haven't moved and their hand is free to receive it.
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder
Rare, requires attunement.
Raw materials & Components
The Bronntanas Blade is made of malachite, and enchanted with mystical lake magic.

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