Chachki Clan Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Chachki Clan

The Chachki Clan were a clan of Darkonian descended vampires. They all resided in the Hanging Tower, on the eastern outskirts of the town of Hero's Point. The Chachkis were among the thralls brought by Count Strahd von Zarovich to Innistrad.  

Geberta von Prítmie(7351-8008)

Geberta von Prítmie was the oldest of the clan and the one who left Darkon in the first place.  

Vidalia von Prítmie (7961-7996)

Vidalia was the mother of Rose, and wife of both Matthew and Rainulf. She died shortly after she murdered her second husband, when she found out he had been sleeping with her mother.  

Matthew Chachki (7959-7990)

Matthew Chachki was a Bronzemerian vampire living in Hero's Point. He became Vidalia's first husband, the two getting married after he got her pregnant. He was killed by Geberta out of rage and spite.  

Rainulf Becdelièvre (7957-7966)

Rainulf was a human who married Vidalia a year or so after the death of Matthew. He was hand picked by Geberta to replace Matthew. He brought with her his daughter Lorelei, who he had helped conceive when he was only 17 years old. Unbeknownst to Vidalia, he was having a very lustful sexual affair with his mother in law, and Vidalia killed him after this.  

Rose Chachki (7987-8008)

Rose was the daughter of Vidalia and Matthew.  

Lorelei Becdelièvre (7974-8008)

Lorelei was the daughter of Rainulf, who moved into the Hanging Tower with her father after he married Vidalia. She kept Vidalia's magic wand to herself after she died, keeping it away from her younger step sister Rose.  

Radia Becdelièvre (7950-8008)

Radia was the sister of Rainulf, and step aunt of Rose. She moved in after Rainulf's death, to take care of Lorelei.

7960 - 8008

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