Court of Stars Geographic Location in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Court of Stars

The demiplane appears as a magical, untamed forest in autumn, eternally under a starry sky. Some of the trees are as thick as houses, and some of the animals, such as squirrels, are much larger than elsewhere. Fey creatures roam the woods, and at the heart of the realm are the soaring spires of Morwel's crystal palace.   Time does not pass in the Court of Stars, and as such the inhabitants do not age or need sustenance, although eternal parties are held at the palace and food and drink are freely available for enjoyment.   The Court of Stars drifts among the Planar System only ever appearing at night over the Sea of Tranquility in Luna. However, even when visible, it can only be accessed with the express permission of the queen, who is the only one able to open portals to and from the Court. Not ieven deities have access to this demiplane if she does not wish it. Portals to her realm can be found anywhere she wishes, such as from the mead halls of Dwarfhalla, below the ocean of the Eighth Sea, or even in the Underdark. Obviously it is also linked to Luna, Selene’s realm, as this is where it physically appears during the night.   A massive serpentine sisiutl named Triusis, a servant of the Archangels, guards a portal from the All Sea to the Court of Stars.   Another hidden portal to the demiplane was found in Hades Simulacrum, where one of the tributaries of the Rivers of Styx can be found. The portal can allegedly be opened by touching a sprig of mistletoe to a scar on a lightning-struck oak tree, however no such oak tree appears to be present in Hades Simulacrum.   Queen Morwel's spired palace is itself transient, continuously phasing in and out of the Ethereal Plane. It can be found at the top of a mountain-sized hill, covered in snow and taller than the clouds. Its massive walls are of glowing crystal. Inside, the palace is lit by countless glittering lights, some of which are magical lanterns, but others are eladrin visitors coming and going in their glowing spherical forms, looking something like sparkling soap bubbles.   The central dome of the palace is lit the brightest. It’s filled with hundreds of eladrin, standing to float in globe forms from many tiers around the chamber. At the center sits three golden thrones, where Morwel and her consorts hold court.   For unclear reasons, the fabled Fountain of Youth, typically under lock and key in Dorado in the Feywild, is also at times reached from the Court of Stars, from a courtyard not far from the spired, crystal palace. Morwel never leaves the Court, and it is rumoured among the denizens that, if she did, the whole realm could collapse.
Dimensional plane
Inhabiting Species

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