Crypt Keeper Glaive Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Crypt Keeper Glaive

The Crypt Keeper Glaive is a legendary weapon of the undead once wielded by the face-stealer of Ulmade Castle. Originally, it was an ancient glaive kept by the great keeper of the dwarven crypts of the Thay.   When you use the glaive to reduce a Small or larger creature that is hostile toward you to 0 hit points, roll a d10. You gain temporary hit points equal to that number.   In addition, the glaive's blade begins to glow with a sickly green haze whenever you gain temporary hit points in this way. While glowing, the first successful melee weapon attack you make with the glaive deals extra necrotic damage equal to the number of temporary hit points you gained. Once you deal this bonus damage, the haze fades.   The haze and any remaining temporary hit points are lost after one minute.   Undead creatures killed by this weapon cannot be raised from the dead again.   The first time on your turn that you land a successful melee attack with this weapon against a creature that is prone, the weapon's damage die is maximized.
by The Griffon's Saddlebag
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Location
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