Darkling Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Ancient legends speak of a seelie fey who betrayed the Summer Queen. His true name has been stricken from history, but the stories call him Dubh Catha ("Dark Crow" in Common). So great was the Summer Queen's wrath that she cursed every member of his house. Other fey refer to the descendants of Dubh Catha's house as the dubh sith-or, in Common, "darklings." Darklings most often settle in secluded caverns and chambers beneath the towns of other species. From such enclaves, they quietly ply their trade as thieves and assassins.  

The Killing Light

The Summer Queen's curse causes a darkling's body to absorb light, and doing so wizens the creature, much like the effect of rapid ageing. For this reason, darklings cover every part of their body with clothing when exposure to light is a risk. The light a darkling absorbs over the course of its lifetime explodes outward when the darkling dies, incinerating the creature and much of its possessions.  

Love of Art

Despite their curse, darklings retain a fondness for the beauty of art. A darkling might risk taking a peek at sunset or lighting a tiny candle to glimpse the colours in a painting or a jewel.  

Elder Transformation

A wise and respected darkling can qualify to undergo a ritual to become an elder. Other elders mark the supplicant with glowing tattoos, channelling some of the darkling's absorbed light away from its body. If the ritual succeeds, the darkling grows into a tall and fair form, like that of a grey-skinned elf. The darkling perishes if the ritual fails.

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