Dungsweepers' Guild Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Dungsweepers' Guild

The Dungsweepers' Guild of Waterdeep is a group of street and stable cleaners who keep the city free from excess waste and refuse. While they are fairly poor, and seldom attract new workers, they were a surprisingly influential organisation.   It is rather noticeable when dung is not collected or piled in "inconvenient" locations, a fact that guild masters occasionally use to remind the cities of their importance.   The guild's livery consisted of a hat with red and orange feathers.   The primary duty of guild members was to keep the streets, and for an extra fee the stables, of Waterdeep free from waste. When it was so required, they could also be tasked to work alongside members of the Cellarers' & Plumbers' Guild to assist with maintaining the city's vast sewer system.   At the end of the day, members bring their sweepings to the city's nearest Fishgut Court, where it is loaded onto wagons and carted away, under armed escort by the City Guard. The refuse is taken outside of the city walls to the refuse dump. To prohibit smuggling, the wagon-loads are regularly inspected by guards and examined by low-skill mages using spells like detect magic and detect invisibility.   The Dungsweepers are allowed to comb through any items they turn up during their work and keep anything they can personally use. Valuables are turned into the guildmaster and sold, the profits of which are split between the individual and the guild itself.   Entrance into the guild costs 1 gp, upon approval of the six Elder Dungsweepers. Annual dues are also the amount of 1 gp.
Founding Date
Guild, Professional
Alternative Names
Shitcleaners' Guild
Notable Members

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