Edge of the Onyx Sands Item in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Edge of the Onyx Sands

This steel dagger is imbued with onyx dust.   After throwing this dagger, you may speak a command word. The dagger disperses into glittering black sand and reappears in your hand.   When you are the target of an attack, spell, or ability you can use your reaction to turn yourself into a being of glittering black sand. This state has 50 hit points. You remain in this state until the start of your next turn or when the hit points are reduced to 0. During this time you can not be healed. All damage surpassing this pool of hit points is carried over to your own hit points. You can use this feature once per long rest.
by Bonus Action
Item type
Weapon, Melee
Current Holder

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