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Elfie Toothie

Currently Held Titles
Black, long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"When I was younger I was intelligent and fearless as I wanted to imitate my favourite creature - Dragons. At the age fifteen I was in a so called love story with this dude named Stephen Scales - who is a Human White Draconic Sorcerer pirate with a ship called the 'White Horse' and who is a right bitch. I thought they belonged to me, sailing the seas together and whenever they were around on deck when I was I became an anxious shipwreck and a few times forgot to breathe. So then tell me why this asshole cheats on me with this other girl on the crew and all he could say was 'Sorry the way I loved you was not forever and always'. We had the best days together and now he has ruined all those memories for me. So I had to make a change so I jumped to the idea of research of dragons and fell into knowing the Dragon Archivists. Through the Dragon Archivists I found out that I had Blue Dragon blood (blue dragons have always been my favourite). With this organisation I have felt untouchable, that rain came and didn't affect my mood, a superstar. The other side of the door I could've went down would've been worse for the world. Today was a fairy-tale to hear about this dragon mask that could bring me up in the ranks of the Dragon Archivists. Also it was nice to see you all over me as I am Mrs perfectly fine. We were happy today weren't we? Well this is when I have to tell you don't have to hate me as I am doing what is right. Anyway bye bye my babes or Ta Ta depending on what kinda books of lore about your races' goodbyes you read as kids as I now need to swiftly kill you all as you know too much about me."

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