Firefly Cellar Building / Landmark in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Firefly Cellar

The basement library known as the Firefly Cellar is located beneath the Stonehill Inn. It's entirely below ground, containing a collection of old manuscripts that focus primarily on travelogues and regional customs. Until Senior Scribe Varnyr initiated a restoration effort and brought all of these books from Candlekeep to Phandalin, its books had been largely neglected over the past few centuries.   The Firefly Cellar has three floors. The upper two contain the book collection. Despite its age, the cellar appears well kept, with smooth stone walls and worn wooden floorboards covered here and there with new rugs. The only entrance is a metallic orange hatch set into the ceiling at the top of the stairs that lead down into area F1.   The bottom floor contains a kitchen and living quarters. For many years, Crinkle was the only occupant, but Varnyr, Ebder, and Gailby have moved in during the recent restoration effort.   The Firefly Cellar has no windows. Unless otherwise noted, orange-gold light emanates from bottles of fireflies either set into alcoves in the wall or hanging from fixtures.


  • Firefly Cellar
Founding Date
Parent Location

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