Five Spires Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Five Spires

Fives Spires was once a great town that celebrated the art of pyromancy and sorcery. The most powerful sorcerers dabbled in the art of combustion magic. The Spirians were a proud race who worshipped the phoenixes. Moreover, they would build wooden houses outside of the town walls and burnt them as a tribute. The central ziggurat was the crux of worship to the Spirians, however it became the tool that Tyrannius Myrrh used to instantly kill and steal the souls of everyone who was a descendant of the pyromancers, except for Federico and Aurora Pyre.


The town was around 89% tieflings, 5% fire genasi, and the rest a mix of other races, with humans dwarves and elves being the vast minority.


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