Flail Snail Species in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Flail Snail

A flail snail is a creature of elemental earth that is prized for its multi-hued shell. Hunters might be lulled into a false sense of confidence upon sighting this ponderous, seemingly nonhostile creature. If any other creature large enough to be a threat approaches too close, though, the snail unleashes a flash of scintillating light and then attacks with its mace-like tentacles.  

Trail of Treasure

Left undisturbed, a flail snail moves slowly along the ground, consuming everything on the surface, including rocks, sand, and soil, stopping to relish crystal growths and other large mineral deposits. It leaves behind a shimmering trail that quickly solidifies into a thin layer of a nearly transparent substance inedible to the snail. This glassy residue can be harvested and cut to form window panes of varying clearness. It can also be heated and spun into glass objects of other sorts. Some humanoids make a living from trailing flail snails to collect this glass.  

Using the Shell of a Flail Snail

A flail snail shell, which weighs about 250 pounds, has numerous uses. One intact shell can sell for 5,000 gp.   Many hunters seek the shell for its antimagic properties. A skilled armourer can make three shields from one shell. For 1 month, each shield gives its wielder the snail's Antimagic Shell trait. When the shield's magic fades, it leaves behind an exotic shield that is the perfect item from which to make a spellguard shield.   A flail snail shell can also be used to make a robe of scintillating colours. The shell is ground and added to the dye while the garment is being fashioned. The powder is also a material component of the ritual that enchants the robe.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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