Gauntlgrym Settlement in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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Gauntlgrym is a magma dwarf city and the capital of Muspelheim.   The city was built on a massive scale, with many doorways large enough that even dragons can pass through them. Doorways were constructed from iron, mithril and stone. These doors are designed to be opened only by a magma dwarf. They are both magically sealed and tremendously heavy. The city is adorned with icons to the Morndinsamman, the dwarven pantheon, and other dwarven heroes.   After the last conflict between gods and primordials, when the Elemental Chaos was formed, the primordial Maegera, tired of fighting and uninterested in following its fellow primordials to the, entered in a coma-like sleep beneath the surface of Muspelheim, forming the caves that would later be called Gauntlgrym.  

The Burning Heart

The Burning Heart is a steam-filled chamber beneath the Great Forge that contains a pure adamantine ziggurat that is used to tap the power of Maegera, the primordial used to power the Great Forge.  

Fiery Pit

The Fiery Pit is a deep magma-filled chasm in the depths of Gauntlgrym in which the primordial Maegera is kept in a semi-conscious slumber.  

Great Cavern

The Great Cavern contains Gauntlgrym's main entrance and is a very large natural subterranean structure, covered with stalactites and stalagmites, with a lake at its centre.  

Great Forge

The Great Forge uses the heat of Maegera in the Fiery Pit as its power source, and is a large chamber split into sections for furnaces and anvils. Some are raised and others are in shallow pits. A pulley system is used to transport buckets, containing water or ore, and this is accessed via raised stone catwalks. Tools made in the furnaces of the Great Forge are imbued with tiny amounts of primordial essence.  

Iron Tabernacle

The Iron Tabernacle, situated at the heart of the city, is Gauntlgrym's temple, although it covers a huge area containing a number of cathedrals, and is adorned with sculptures and intricate knotwork. It also contains a switching station which acts as a central hub for the magical automated mine carts that are used to transport ore across the city, via an extensive series of mine cart rails. A large crypt lies at the lowest part of the Iron Tabernacle, with burials ranging from simple ones to large sarcophagi, buried with full details of lineage. The crypt is protected by ghosts who attack those who are not respectful of the dead.  

Shrine of Sacrilege

A magma dwarf shrine to Asmodeus had been constructed in one of the deeper pits within the mines, by using materials taken from the Iron Tabernacle, such as icons of Moradin.


  • Gauntlgrym


Founding Date
Large city
Location under

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