God-Pharoah of Amonkhet Character in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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God-Pharoah of Amonkhet

God-Pharaoh Nicol Bolas

The planeswalker named Nicol is one of the youngest of the dragons to have survived the Dragon Cull. He was also known as the Second Sun, the Forever Serpent, the Horned One, the God-Pharaoh of Amonkhet. He is dead to the multiverse, his survival known only to the Darkonian Knights and the Olympian, Hades.   He has styled himself "the mind-ripper, the deathbringer, the winged dark that terrifies your dreams. The first to witness the edges of the universe, and the last to watch it set for the final time".   Unlike normal dragons, the golden-skinned Bolas stands on two legs, using his long tail for balance. His face is flattened and broad, with a human-like mouth and features. His horns curve upward, framing a hovering orb between them, and his enormous wings spread behind him. When Bolas breathes fire, it is black-tinged with death magic. His flight is inelegant.   At one point, Bolas was the most powerful planeswalker of the multiverse. Bolas' hallmark is his touch, an inborn ability that causes a mind-shattering effect with the slightest caress.

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