House Cassalanter Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House Cassalanter

The Cassalanter noble house of Waterdeep is among one of the richest families within the city, having made their fortune in banking, money-lending and rumour-mongering for the highest payer.   The family acquired an estate within Waterdeep's Sea Ward. After it was built.


House Cassalanter was ennobled in the mid 7900s when the lords of Anthor recognised several merchant houses and granted them noble titles and seals.   In the early 8000s, the Cassalanters faced imminent bankruptcy. In order to prevent it, Ammalia and Victoro struck a deal with the fallen devil Asmodeus, trading the souls of their children in exchange for instant financial comeback. Their eldest son, Osvaldo, was taken immediately and transformed into a chain devil, while the younger twins Elzerina and Terenzio were scheduled to be taken on the occasion of their 9th birthday, one week after Founders' Day of 8031.
Geopolitical, Great house

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