House de Montajay Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House de Montajay

House de Montajay is the central noble family of Breantis. Their history of ruling Breantis with kindness has paid off in that they have the respect of almost every Breantian or maybe even anyone from the west.  

Seraphina de Montajay

The mother of Lizzy, Seraphina was the queen before her untimely death in the Breantis Incident.  

Jeremiah de Montajay

The father of Lizzy, was the king before the Breantis Incident.  

Phoebe de Montajay

Phoebe was the first daughter of Seraphina and Jeremiah. She was thought to have died in the Breantis Incident, however she had managed to entrap her soul in an arcane relic, to hide it from Obscurus. She is now a warforged working with the Harpers.  

Jason Stonewall de Montajay

Jason was taken from Seraphina and Jeremiah after he was born. He was adopted by the Stonewalls and kept so that one day he may take the throne for them. Now, Jason is a warforged who works with the Harpers.  

Elizabetha Celestina de Montajay

Lizzy was the second daughter and third overall child of Seraphina and Jeremiah. She helped bring the Alliance together and banish Obscurus from his presence in the Prime. She is currently the queen of Breantis.  

Púca Seraphina de Montajay

Púca is a triton child adopted from the Von Maus Orphanage by Lizzy. She does not have claim to the throne or the house, but she lives under their care as a loved child.  

Lancaster Zolta Greytower de Montajay

Lanc is the husband of Elizabetha and adopted father of Púca.  

Cristoph & Astrid Swanson

Cristoph and Astrid Swanson are the personal guards employed by the de Montajays, and are unofficial members of the house. They have no claim to the house of course, however they do reside on the premises of the de Montajay household.
Geopolitical, Great house
Related Ethnicities

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