House Pyre Organization in Terra Caelum Legacy | World Anvil
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House Pyre

House Pyre is a well-known family within the pyromancy community.  

Sylvia Pyre

Sylvia was the mother of Aurora and wife of Federico. She killed herself by shoving her head in an oven, when Aurora was three years of age.  

Federico Pyre

Federico is the father of Aurora and the husband of Sylvia. He was extremely absent as a father, despite being the most innately powerful of the three members of the house. He ran a successful business in suits and cigars, before being tempted by power by Eclipse. He lost his fire magic and has since joined the Unchained.  

Aurora Pyre

Aura is the daughter of Federico and Sylvia. She moved to Bronzemere after the death of her mother and abandonment of her father, and found herself a member of the City Watch when she grew up.
Geopolitical, Great house

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